DOI: 10.21045/2071-5021-2017-56-4-1
Sabgayda T.P., Zubko A.V.
Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics of Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Contacts: Tamara Sabgaida, e-mail:
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Information about authors:
Sabgaida T.P.,
Zubko A.V.,
Acknowledgments. The study had no sponsorship.
Conflict of interests. The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Relevance. The increase in mortality from vascular
surgical diseases continues in Russia after development of the network
of regional vascular centers. Less than half of these diseases are
included in the List for expensive treatment and provision of high-tech
medical care.
Purpose: Comparison of the average costs for inpatient
treatment of vascular surgical diseases which are included and not
included in the List for provision of high-tech medical care.
Methods. We analyzed the "unfinished cases of inpatient
treatment" in terminology of health insurance, i.e. the first stage of
providing emergency or planned care on the late stages of vascular
disease. Depersonalized data of Rosstat death register and database of
compulsory medical insurance fund were used for Moscow region in 2014.
We compared indicators for vascular surgical diseases which are included
(group 1) and not included (group 2) in the List for provision of
high-tech medical care for medical institutions of different levels.
Results. In Moscow Region in 2014, cardiovascular
mortality was 733.3 per 100,000 population and 6.1% of this death was
due to arterial and venous diseases, while in Russia these rates were
611.7 and 3.5%, respectively. Among the unfinished cases of inpatient
treatment of vascular surgical diseases, the diseases of group 1 consist
4.9% and 64.3% of them were treated in the third level hospitals while
18.6% were treated in the first level hospitals. In medical institutions
of the first and second levels, the cost of treatment of vascular
surgical diseases of group 2 is substantially greater than the cost of
treating diseases of group 1.
Conclusions. Later detection of vascular surgical
diseases leads to increase the expenses of medical insurance funds: the
average cost of a bed-day for deceased from diseases which included in
the List of provision of high-tech medical care is close in
organizations of different levels; for patients who are transferred to
other departments or organizations, it is three times higher than the
cost of a bed-day in hospitals of the first and second levels and only
on one-third less than the cost of a bed-day in hospitals of the third
level with provision of high-tech medical care.
Inclusion of vascular surgical diseases into the List of provision of
high-tech medical care improves the quality of medical care for
patients with these diseases.
If atherosclerosis of extremities arteries (I70.2,), embolism and
thrombosis of arteries (I74) is included into the List of provision of
high-tech medical care, then the mortality from these diseases will
significantly decrease.
Keywords: Mortality from vascular surgical diseases;
the List of provision of high-tech medical care; cost of hospital
bed-day; unfinished cases of inpatient treatment; medical institutions
of different levels; atherosclerosis of extremities arteries; embolism
and thrombosis of the arteries
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