DOI: 10.21045/2071-5021-2017-56-4-2
Varakina Zh.L.
Northern State Medical University, Arkhangelsk
Contacts: Varakina Zhanna Leonidovna, e-mail:
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Information about author:
Varakina Z.L.
Acknowledgments. The study had no sponsorship.
Conflict of interests. The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Significance. Considerable society losses from excess
mortality of men, especially from external causes, are one of the basic
problems of modern Russia. Expenses examination for health maintenance
has great value for justification of investments volume on health
promotion programs realisation. Distortion of mortality causes presented
in the official statistics blanks the violent causes.
The purpose of the study: to assess the potential years
of life lost of the Arkhangelsk region population and to calculate in
the region the economic losses of premature mortality from external
causes, to analyse the subregistration of mortality from external
Methods. Calculation and analysis of potential years
of life lost and economic losses from external causes of mortality were
conducted. Number of died due to external causes (by sex, causes,
territory) were obtained from the vital record tables of the Federal
State Statistics Service on Arkhangelsk region and the State Archives of
Arkhangelsk region (1980–2012). Data on a population (by sex,
territory) with recalculation on the basis of population censuses also
have been given by Federal State Statistics Service. The gross regional
(1994–2012) and overall social products per capita (1980–1993) were used
for the economic analysis. The analysis of mortality causes distortion
presented in official statistics was conducted.
Results. The proportion of potential years of life lost
from mortality of external causes in structure of total mortality
losses among Arkhangelsk region male population is 24,5%, among females -
6,8%. Level of losses from suicides, accidental alcohol poisoning and
homicides is the highest. The Arkhangelsk region had the maximum
economic losses from external mortality in 1980-1983, 1992-1998,
2000-2006. For the 33-year period the proportion of injuries with
indeterminate intentions in the structure of external mortality is
increased (among male population of a rural area from 1,9 to 8,0%, urban
area - from 3,0 to 15,0%, among female population of a rural area -
from 2,5 to 9,8%, urban area - from 1,9 to 13,8%). The proportion of
unknown mortality causes was increased.
Conclusion. Results of the study estimate the
contribution of external mortality in decrease in level of northern
region public health, and also define appropriateness of coding
optimisation of initial death cause.
Scope of application. Received results had been used by
elaboration of the three-level program on monitoring optimisation and
injury and external mortality decrease in the European North of Russia.
Keywords: potential years of life lost; external causes of mortality; distortion of mortality causes; economic losses.
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