DOI: 10.21045/2071-5021-2017-57-5-3
Danilova I.A. 1,2
1 National Research University “Higher School of Economics”, Moscow, Russian Federation
2 Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research, Rostock, Germany
Contacts: Danilova Inna, e-mail:
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Information about author:
Danilova I.A.,
Acknowledgments. The study has been funded by the Russian Academic Excellence Project «5-100».
Conflct of interests. The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Significance. During the recent decades, Russia has
experienced significant shifts in mortality. Considering the
heterogeneity of the Russian regions, it is important to analyze how
those shifts were experienced at the regional level and how they
influenced the inter-regional mortality inequality.
Purpose. To evaluate how the inter-regional mortality
inequality in Russia changed during the period 1989-2016; to measure
contribution of different age groups and causes of death into the
inter-regional mortality inequality in Russia and changes in those
contributions over time.
Methods. In the current study, we used gap in life
expectancy between the two groups of regions as the main measure of
inter-regional inequality. The first group included regions with the
highest levels of life expectancy inhabited altogether by 15% of the
total Russian population. The second group included regions with the
lowest levels of life expectancy, which also altogether accounted for
15% of the total Russian population. The contribution of different age
groups and causes of death into the gap in life expectancy between the
two groups was estimated with the stepwise replacement decomposition
Results. Life expectancy inequality between regions
increased substantially in the 1990s. The recent period of mortality
improvements in Russia did not result in any significant changes in the
inter-regional inequality. In 2016, the difference between the two
15%-groups of regions performing the best and the worst in terms of life
expectancy amounted to 9.6 years in males. Mortality inequality in ages
15-39 contributed 2.6 years to this gap, in ages 40-64 – 4.2 years, and
in ages over 65 – 2.9 years. In females the gap amounted to 5.3 years;
1.2 years, 2.0 years, and 2.0 years contributed by age intervals 15-39,
40-64, and 65 years and over respectively. Among the causes of death,
the major contribution in inequality is attributable to external causes
of death at the young and middle ages and circulatory diseases at the
middle and elderly ages.
Conclusions. Decreased contribution of external causes
of death in the young and middle ages, and circulatory diseases in the
middle age had a positive effect on the inter-regional inequality in
life expectancy after 2005 contributing to its decline. At the same
time, mortality decline in the elderly contributed to divergency in life
expectancy across regions. Those positive changes in the elderly
mortality towards reduction, which are associated with the beginning of
cardiovascular revolution in Russia, did not equally affect the Russian
Keywords. Regions of Russia; mortality inequality; causes of death.
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