DOI: 10.21045/2071-5021-2017-57-5-8
Ovcharenko E.S., Fefelova V.V., Kasparov E.V., Koloskova T.P., Smirnova O.V.
Federal Research Centre «Krasnoyarsk Scientific Center of the
Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences» - «Scientific
Research Institute for Medical Problems of the North», Krasnoyarsk
Contacts: Ovcharenko Elizaveta, e-mail:
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Information about authors:
Ovcharenko E.S.,
Fefelova V.V.,
Kasparov E.V.,
Koloskova T.P.,
Smirnova O.V.,
Acknowledgments. The study had no sponsorship.
Conflct of interests. The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Introduction. Studying peculiar characteristics of
mentally retarded children (including their physical development) is
relevant due to both high prevalence and severe social consequences of
this pathology.
Purpose. To study characteristics of physical
development in early school children (aged 7 - 11) with mental
retardation in the boarding school.
Materials and Methods. A total of 120 children were
examined. 35 out of them had diagnosed mental retardation (in accordance
with ICD-10) and lived in a specialized boarding school for mentally
retarded children. The control group included 85 intellectually healthy
children of the same age. The authors studied anthropometric parameters
with a further determination of harmony (balance) in physical
development and somatotype.
Results. The study showed that children aged 7 - 11
with mental retardation in the boarding house had statistically
significant lower indices of anthropometric parameters in comparison
with the control group. Children with mental retardation had significant
changes in the balance of physical development towards predominance of a
very low physical development (49%). Also, there was a lower share of
children with mesomorph body habitus (66%) among the children with
mental retardation due to increased moderate dolicho-morphia (26%) as
compared to the control group. More than a half of the mentally retarded
children (57%), who were examined in the specialized boarding school
showed disharmonic physical development due to weight deficit.
Conclusions. Physical development of mentally retarded
children in the specialized boarding school is characterized by
significant deviations in the indices of anthropometric parameters,
Quetelet body mass index and “sthenia” index. Moreover the authors found
out a sharp increase in the share of children with weight deficit. The
revealed peculiarities of physical development can be associated with
influence of diverse deprivation, which is inevitably experienced by a
child in a specialized boarding school.
Keywords: mental retardation; physical development; junior school children; boarding school.
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