DOI: 10.21045/2071-5021-2018-59-1-2
Institute of Advanced Training of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency, Moscow, Russia
Contacts: Olenev Anton, e-mail:
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Acknowledgments. The study was supported by the Russian Federal Medical and Biological Agency.
Conflict of interests. The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Significance. Activity of medical organizations is
under control of the Russian healthcare administrative bodies. Analysis
of results of the control activities shows increased incidence of
diseases and existence of illegal and non-efficient budgetary
expenditures. Such trends suggest a low effectiveness of control
activities and the need for new improved forms and methods to control
performance of medical organizations.
Purpose: to scientifically substantiate the need for on-site pre-licensing of medical organizations in big cities.
Methods. This study used methods of analytical and historical analysis, survey and "Test-survey" method.
Results. The highest rates of beds reduction were registered in 2011-2014.
Reduction in the number of municipal beds was rather due to the
reduced number of medical facilities than bed closure in active
hospitals. 32.9% out of 10500 closed beds were in the shut down
Except for 2008 the peak of shutting down the municipal hospital
facilities was registered in 2013-2014 i.e. during licensing of the city
medical organizations by the Licensing and Accreditation Commission.
On-site pre-licensing of municipal and state medical organizations
contributes to improved quality of care by denying access to the "health
care market" to those organizations that fail to meet sanitary and
other technical requirements according to the survey of heads of medical
Conclusions. 1. Need for conducting a preliminary
performance evaluation of medical organizations in a big city
(exemplified by Moscow) when carrying out licensing and accreditation
has been identified.
2. According to the survey of heads of medical organizations, on-site
pre-licensing undoubtedly results in care quality improvement.
3. A small number of respondents who disagreed with this opinion
(3.2%) had objective problems with licensing of their organizations.
Keywords: licensing and accreditation of medical organizations; pre-licensing; monitoring of activities; managers; opinion.
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