DOI: 10.21045/2071-5021-2018-59-1-5
1Svetlichnaya T.G., 1Menshikova L.I., 2Smirnova E.A.
¹ Northern State Medical University, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Arkhangelsk, Russia
² Cherepovets State University, Cherepovets, Russia
Contacts: Tatyana Svetlichnaya, e-mail:
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Information about authors:
Svetlichnaya T.G.,
Menshikova L.I.,
Smirnova E.A., .
Acknowledgments. The study had no sponsorship.
Conflict of interests. The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Significance. Today the main public health
hazards include modern lifestyle and environmental conditions. One of
the characteristics of the modern lifestyle is a widespread of
traditional chemical (substantive) and continuously emerging new types
of non-chemical (non-substantive, behavioural, psychological)
dependencies. Active engagement into this pathological process starts
early in life, in childhood and adolescence.
Purpose. To generalize understanding of
dependency from the perspective of the Western and Russian
theoretical-conceptual biological, psychological and social approaches
to its research and definitions to be used in the medical-social
research in health and healthcare aimed at rationalizing and developing
effective methods of primary prevention of various types of chemical and
non-chemical dependency.
Methods. The study used analytical method
combined with scientific and theoretical approach; 47 reference sources
were analysed, including 16 scientific publications by foreign authors.
Results. Analysis of scientific literature on
the study topic shows a detailed theoretical and empirical development
of the dependency (addiction) phenomenon and availability of the
well-established terminology for its research. However, dependency,
being a well-developed medical and psychological scientific category,
remains under-investigated as a social and spiritual phenomenon. Narrow
medical thinking still predominates in definition of the essence of
dependency – that is biomedical determinism.
Transfer to a broader view of dependency as a complex
biopsychosociospiritual phenomenon will provide for a change in
priorities in investigating conditions and factors of its formation and
control, to become one of the most important contemporary problems of
secular and theological discourse.
Conclusions. Studying dependency as a negative
biopsychosociospiritual phenomenon and developing ways to deter it, not
only controlling but rather effectively preventing its emergence and
further spread remains most relevant.
Successful solution to the problem requires cooperation with major
religious confessions as the subject-matter of dependency is
interdisciplinary in nature. Studying dependency goes far beyond the
scope of medicine, psychology, education science and sociology.
Scope of application: healthcare, addictology.
Keywords: dependency; dependence behaviour; dependent personality; biopsychosociospiritual phenomenon.
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