DOI: 10.21045/2071-5021-2018-60-2-10
Vartanian E.A., Gridnev O.V., Pesennikova E.V., Kuchits S.S.
I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
Contacts: Vartanian Elen Araevna, e-mail:
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Information about authors:
Vartanian E.A.,
Gridnev O.V.,
Pesennikova E.V.,
Kuchits S.S.,
Acknowledgments. The study was supported by the Russian Federal Medical and Biological Agency.
Conflict of interests. The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Significance. Protecting and promoting health of women
and their future children have always been and remain an important
objective of the social policy in our country. This is conditioned by
the role played by a woman and a mother, combining her motherhood with
active participation in economics. Nearly 82.0% of women of working age
are employed in economics. That is why the state of their health and
working ability largely affect implementation of goals of the
socio-economic development. Furthermore, one can’t ignore influence of
health status of the mother and her behavioral patterns on pediatric
health indicators, and ultimately on population health in general.
Since health of individuum is formed in the childhood, the better the
indicators of pediatric health, the more favorable is adult health. In
this regard, it is necessary to have reliable information about health
status of women and children in the dynamics, prognosis of main health
indicators, value and nature of various factors affecting population
Purpose: to conduct medical and social analysis of characteristics of living conditions of women diagnosed with recurrent miscarriage.
Methods. The study used the following methods: analysis
of lessons learned, monographic descriptions, analytical, statistical,
expert evaluation methods, economic and comparative analysis.
Results. Among the factors that determine a healthy
lifestyle, women indicated the following ones: absence of bad habits,
personal hygiene, compliance with work and rest regime, and optimal
level of activity. However, despite the generally correct assessment of
factors that constitute a healthy lifestyle, there are certain
discrepancies between the declared values for health maintenance and the
actual ones that exist in everyday life.
In general, only 18.0% of the respondents do not associate their
health status with their lifestyle. Among the reasons that prevent women
from following the rules of a healthy lifestyle to maintain and improve
their health, most of them indicated lack of time (55.4%), atmost every
second woman (42.6%) considers disorganization and laziness as an
obstacle, 13.2% of women indicated absence of like–minded people, and
12.4% of women - insufficient financial situation (per 100 respondents).
Conclusions. As to economic status of women diagnosed
with miscarriage, it was found out that currently they could be divided
into the following groups:
Poor, i.e. having minimal means sufficient just for life support.
Low-income i.e. having means to cover only everyday living costs.
Wealthy i.e. having enough financial means for upgrading durables, and
improving living conditions at their own expense or mortgage.
The study showed that 29.4% of the respondents were attributed to the
poor, 48.6% - to the low-income and 22.0% - the wealthy group.
Keywords: woman; working-age; miscarriage, lifestyle, socio-hygienic characteristics, living conditions, complex appraisal.
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