DOI: 10.21045/2071-5021-2018-61-3-3
Gerasimova MA
Northern State Medical University, Arkhangelsk, Russia
Contacts: Gerasimova Marta, e-mail:
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Information about authors:
Gerasimova M.A.,
Acknowledgments. The study had no sponsorship.
Conflict of interests. The author declares no conflict of interest.
Significance. Diseases of the circulatory system top
the mortality structure in the majority countries of the world,
including Russia. Acute cerebrovascular diseases make the greatest
contribution to the adult mortality. Within this medical and social
problem, it is issues related to outcomes and organization of care
delivery that remain under-investigated rather than diagnosis and
Development and implementation of measures aimed at reducing
mortality from diseases of the circularity system including acute
cerebrovascular diseases constitute an important component of the
national population policy. The purpose of the study was
to carry out a comprehensive analysis of social and demographic
characteristics of deaths from cerebrovascular diseases and their
sequelae (I60-I64, I69) in the Arkhangelsk region in 2011-2015 depending
on the place of death with regard to the structure of death causes.
Methods. The author conducted a documentary analysis of 7962
Medical certificates of death (Form 106/y-08) of all people died from
cerebrovascular diseases and sequelae (I60-I64, I69) in the Arkhangelsk
region from 01.01.2011 to 31.12.2015. The following data have been
copied out from the registration forms: sex, life expectancy, locality,
place of death, marital status, education, employment, primary cause of
death. The author used the following statistical analysis methods:
χ2-Pearson test and multinomial logistic regression analysis.
Results. In the Arkhangelsk region elderly and senile people
living in rural areas, not married, with a low education as well as
after an acute phase of the disease have higher relative chances of
dying from cerebrovascular diseases and their sequelae at home than in
the hospital (with regard to death causes structure).
On the other hand, able-bodied people have high relative chances of
dying at the place of accident (in the ambulance, in other place).
Conclusions. The study identified characteristics of the
potential reserve for reducing mortality from cerebrovascular diseases
and their sequelae in the Arkhangelsk Region. Scope of application. The study results can be used to plan programs on organizing care for acute cerebrovascular diseases.
Keywords: social and demographic status; mortality; stroke; sequelae of stroke; place of death; primary cause of death.
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