DOI: 10.21045/2071-5021-2018-61-3-4
Kislitsyna O.A.
Federal State Institution of Science Institute of Economics of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
Contacts: Kislitsyna O.A., email:
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Information about authors:
Kislitsyna O.A.,
Acknowledgments. The study had no sponsorship.
Conflict of interests. The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Studies demonstrate that there are significant socioeconomic
inequalities in access to health services in many countries. However,
practically nothing is known about attitude of people towards such
The purpose of the study: to evaluate perception of
social and economic inequality in healthcare by the Russian citizens;
and to identify factors determining perception of injustice of
inequality in healthcare and willingness of people to contribute to
healthcare improvement for all.
The information base of the study was the International Social Survey
program (ISSP), the 2011 round. Statistical analysis was conducted
using the logistic regression model of the SPSS package.
The study shows that a significant share of the Russian citizens
(67.7%) think it is not fair that people with higher income can afford
better health care than people with lower income. However, people are
reluctant to commit themselves to improve healthcare for all in the
country; the share of those willing to contribute ads up to 14.6%.
People with low socioeconomic status, poor health, those who consider
coverage with compulsory health insurance insufficient, people with
children under 18 years of age, and people with radical political views
are more likely to perceive injustice of inequity in access to health
services. Willingness to pay higher taxes to improve healthcare for all
is associated with other factors: old people, people with poor health,
people with low education, low socioeconomic status, and the unemployed
are less likely to contribute to healthcare improvement.
The results obtained help to conclude that further withdrawal of the
State from the healthcare and expansion of payments for medical services
can result in the growing public discontent.
Key words: inequality in access to health services; public opinion; perception of injustice.
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