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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹1 2011 (17) arrow Role of human health resources in realization of the policy of medical care quality
Role of human health resources in realization of the policy of medical care quality Print
Tuesday, 01 March 2011

Popovich V.K.1, Shikina I.B.1, Turchiev A.G.2, Baklanova T.N.1
- City hospital ¹17, Moscow
- «House of Health» multi-purpose clinic, Pyatigorsk

In the article, consideration is given to the role of human health resources in realization of the policy of medical care quality in health care facilities ; various views on the problem together with authors’ decisions are discussed .

It is known that the quality of medical care is assessed by three key parameters: structural, technological and effective components. The first of the listed components assumes an account and analysis of such characteristics, as finance and material resources, human health resources and their conformity to the results expected.

The leading role of human health resources and also their significance in activity of health care facilities can be explained by the fact that financial and material provisions of public health services are formed quicker than the human health resource while forming corresponding conditions. Restoration, stabilization, and effective usage of the medical personnel are really feasible only after several years and even some decades have passed.

The human health policy incorporates the following components: staff organization, administration, social, financial, and information components. It is compatible with plans and conceptions of health care facilities in the field of heath care quality management .

Labor motivation focused on a final result and quality management is one of the main objects in improving treatment and diagnostic processes. For this purpose, both methods are used: provision of economic incentives ( payment for the input which a health care provider contributed to the result of treatment), and moral stimulus (career progress , awards, and other forms of encouragement).

Increase in responsibility of each health care providers for the quality of the work performed, improvement in the quality of treatment and diagnostic processes and long-term medical care depend directly from improving the system of the personnel training and retraining . It is necessary that professional training of medical personnel in health care facilities should be carried out continuously, as in daily, and in perspective .

Thus, the strategic planning of human health resources is one of the main goals of health care management aimed at improving the quality of treatment and diagnostic processes at realization of the policy in health care quality; such planning will help to increase clinical results and economic efficiency of each health care facility.

Key words: human health resources, quality of medical care.


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