Nechaeva O.B.1, Skachkova E.I.2, Podymova A.S.3, Popkova G.G.3, Eysmont N.V.3
1 - Federal Public Health Institute, Moscow
2 - Ministry of Health and Social Development , Moscow
3 - Sverdlovsk regional antitubercular dispensary , Ekaterinburg
Sverdlovsk region takes the first place in
Russia in the number of children who were born by HIV-infected mothers.
More than 40 % of HIV-infected women gave birth to children. HIV-
infected mothers gave birth to children mainly at ages till 25 years
(74.8 %), never were married (65.6 %); women as a rule were not
registered in women’s health clinic (38.3 %) and did not receive
antiretroviral therapy (81.4 %) during pregnancy.
In the region, 68.9 % of children born by HIV-infected mothers have
got anti-TB vaccination , mainly with modified vaccine of Calmette and
Guerin (92.7 %), often in a maternity hospital (44.2 %). Among children
who have got anti- TB vaccination at early ages, "curve " in the
tuberculine tests was less often (0.7 % against 4.4 %, P <0.01) and
tuberculosis morbidity was registered rarely (0.8 % against 5.5 %, P
<0.001), general case mortality was lower (1.0 % against 4.8 %, P
In children born by HIV-infected mothers and vaccinated with vaccine
of Calmette and Guerin, HIV-infection was registered significantly more
rarely than in children who were not anti-TB vaccinated (19.2 % against
44.3 %, P <0.001). In spite of the fact that vaccinated with vaccine
of Calmette and Guerin HIV-infected children born by HIV-infected
mothers have rarely got antiretroviral therapy during child births, they
have HIV-infection developed later than in children who have not got TB
vaccination, that is, in the ages of till 1 year –in 25.2 % and 45.0 %
of all cases (P <0.002) respectively, in the ages of 2 years and more
in 53.9 % and 22.5 % of all cases (P <0.001) respectively. vaccine
of Calmette and Guerin not only promotes reduction in TB contamination
and morbidity , but also increases terms of HIV-infection development ,
and in some cases prevents contamination in children born by
HIV-infected mothers.
Key words: tuberculosis, HIV-infection , vaccine of Calmette and Guerin, children born by HIV-infected mothers.
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