Medical social characteristics of patients successfully treated with antiviral therapy for chronic hepatitis c (according to the results of a sociologic survey) |
Thursday, 02 June 2011 |
Serenko K.A.
I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Moscow
The resume. Results of medical sociology study of
patients with chronic hepatitis C successfully treated with antiviral
therapy in the Memorial E.M. Tareev Clinic (of the Memorial I.M.
Sechenov 1st Moscow State Medical University) of nephrology,
internal and professional diseases are presented in this Paper. The
original questionnaire included 50 questions. The questioning of 100
patients was performed, and the medical social profile, compliance to
treatment, the contents of provided medical care, life-style,
inclinations to unhealthy habits, and attitude to one’s own health were
determined. The survey revealed that the main drawback in the management
of chronic patients with hepatitis C was the long time passing from the
moment of infection till the diagnosis (8.8 years) and from the moment
of infection till the start of treatment (12.2 years). The delay in
initiating treatment was mostly motivated, from the part of a patient,
by money awkwardness and unawareness of therapies available from the
attending medical doctor. The medical manipulations as iatrogenic cause
of infection was found in 60.7% of the patients. The analysis of
situation with inclination to unhealthy habits revealed the growing
discontinuation of alcohol consumption and smoking as a result of the
life-style correction inasmuch as the chronic hepatitis C infection had
been identified in them. The satisfaction of the received medical care
and good compliance were readily expressed.
Key words: chronic hepatitis C, public health, medical social characteristics, social profile, medical care compliance.
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Last Updated ( Wednesday, 15 June 2011 )