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Determinants of adolescents’ health Print
Friday, 30 September 2011

Summary. The aim of this study was to establish main factors that determined differences in health condition of adolescents in Russia.

Materials were derived from the Russia Longitudinal Monitoring Survey for economics and state of health. All the data of this survey were based on specially designed questionnaire. 815 adolescents of 14-17 yr of age from this Survey of 2004 edition were enrolled: 430 males, 385 females. Statistical analysis was conducted with the use of logistic regression separately for different genders.

Females more often evaluated their own health as a bad one (43.7%) than males (34.3%). Chronic diseases in subject’s mother enhanced risk of bad health in the subjects (her children) irrespective of gender. Mother’s lack of physical activity, smoking habits, low self-evaluation, depression, kind of employed job rather negatively affected state of health of male adolescents. Mother’s alcohol abuse enhanced risk of bad health in female adolescents. Large family context produced protective effect on state of health of all adolescents.

Low income induced difficulties in paying for medical services and enhanced risk of bad health in female adolescents. However, this factor was indirect and had been mediated by chronic diseases in mother. A long-term adverse effect of poverty may be the gist of this problem.

Considering health preservation of generation to come, more priority should be applied to mother’s health and influence. Healthcare strategies targeting  consumption of psychoactive substances (tobacco and alcohol) among adolescents, as well as their parents, and also urging all kinds of physical activity may have favorable effect upon health of this raising generation. Macro-political measures when reducing economic instability also tend to act to this end.

Key words. Adolescents, health, determinants.


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