Control of psychophysiological adaptation àt the first step of training |
Friday, 30 September 2011 |
Summary. For today many authors mark growth at younger
schoolboys of socially caused infringements of psychological health.
«Physiological cost» educational activity thus raises. A research
objective – revealing of laws of interrelation between
socially-psychological and physiological indicators of adaptation of
children to training conditions in initial classes. It is established
that the risk of formation of school uneasiness is connected with status
position in student's collective, good progress in the basic subjects
and diligent behavior of the child. – a physiological marker of a
functional condition of psychological pressure at these children is the
cortisol maintenance in saliva tests.
The index simpato-adrenalovogo a tone is sensitive concerning a
psychological overstrain at "inadequately quiet" children – isolated in
student's collective – with behavior infringements. Features of
psychological health which are risk factor of development of
psychosomatic semiology are found out in these children also.
Key words. Psychological pressure, psychosomatic health, concentration of a cortisol, simpato-adrenalovyj a tone, uneasiness.
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Last Updated ( Thursday, 13 October 2011 )