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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow №5 2011 (21) arrow Assessment of the wtp threshold for qaly by contingent valuation method for medical care and treatment
Assessment of the wtp threshold for qaly by contingent valuation method for medical care and treatment Print
Thursday, 19 January 2012

O.V. Zelenova
Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics of Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, Moscow

Summary. The first trial in Russia. Analysis of threshold willingness-to- pay for quality adjusted life year in Russia is a very urgent and serious matter. Methods of willingness-to- pay investigation are different for various countries and depend on development of Health Care system. We have estimated willingness-to- pay method of Contingent valuation and proved that the results vary from other countries. Submitted data shows payment dedications and demands of our people for goods and services in medical care.

We have held the opinion poll to define the willingness to pay for quality adjusting life year. Average willingness-to- pay self and willingness-to- pay self5 are rather equal 69 000 and 72 000 rubles (the rub/$ rate in Russia is 30 rub for 1 $). The average willingness-to- pay fam is 16% more than willingness-to- pay self. The fact that willingness-to- pay fam was higher than willingness-to- pay self suggests that altruistic utility is larger than the respondent’s perceived value of one QALY gained for themselves, at least in the case of health care for a family member. Average willingness-to- pay soc is 146 000 rubles that is twice over WTPself5 (72 000 rubles). The fact that willingness-to- pay soc exceeded willingness-to- pay self may be explained by altruistic motivation in people who were led to offer a healthcare payment to individuals in need. WTP value is increasing sequentially from willingness-to- pay self to willingness-to- pay soc in each category of questionnaire. The main factors which had huge impact are occupation, age and education. Whereas factors such as gender, hospitalization (within the last 5 years) and hospitalization of any member of household (within the last 5 years) didn`t played an important role.

Key words: Willingness to Pay, threshold, Quality Adjusted Life Year, Incremental cost-effectiveness ratio.



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Comments (2)
1. 04-06-2015 00:54
А как обрабатывали такой массив данных? Как устанавливали корреляции между переменными? Какие компьютерные программы использовали? Метод условной оценки - явление не новое, поэтому что - то теоретически новое было привнесено в теорию?
Written by Илья ( This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it ) (Guest)
2. 05-07-2014 19:55
Очень интересный материал, спасибо, у нас в Украине, к сожалению, таких иследований не проводилось. Будем в самом лучшем смысле ориентироваться на ВАС. Национальный фармацевтический университет, Харьков
Written by Панфилова Анна ( This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it ) (Guest)

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