S.A. Martynchik1, S.V. Filatenkova2
1I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Moscow
2Polyclinic ¹6 at the Federal Security Service of Russia, Moscow
Summary. A brief review of the foreign and domestic
literature that had been devoted to evaluation of the social economic
burden associated with ischemic heart disease was compiled. Under this
burden a whole complex of factors was meant here, including social,
economic, and organizational ones. The latter implied a wide range of
problems including elevating medical access through organizational
measures, improving the quality of medical care, and enhancing
efficiency of budget funding.
Expediency of program-target approach to managing programs of funding
for acute coronary syndrome associated with high risk of instantaneous
death and fatal/non-fatal myocardial infarction was appreciated.
Adopted programmed measures for improving organizational patterns of
delivering medical care were investigated into, including wide
introduction of endovascular technologies of re-perfusion therapy and
measures of secondary prevention of ischemic heart disease following old
myocardial infarction. Optimization of operation of the facilities of
cardiac profile necessitates economic substantiation of technologies and
programs of budgeting, including creation of national hospital register
and introduction of the quality control system for providing medical
care on the basis of standards of medical care and target indicators.
Quality of medical care and medical access for the population were
studied in connection with the efficiency of budget expenditure for
medical facilities. Cost evaluation of expenditure per completed case of
medical care in coronary syndrome was performed. Efficacious means of
reimbursement for expenditure implying immediate and remote receipts
were assessed.
Economically expedient means of financial provision of the programs for
the improvement of methodological foundation of standardization of all
ways of expenditure was considered here, including development of
methodological foundation for such standardization, procedure of
planning with the use of enlarged volumes of medical care, grouping of
patients along the criteria of clinical and outlaying similarity,
establishment of standards of financial costs and differentiated tariffs
that would imply elevation to new therapeutic and diagnostic
highlights, predictability in fulfillment of programs and measures,
creation of certain stimuli for reducing expenditure and efficient
management of the materiel resources.
Keywords. Acute coronary syndrome; unstable angina pectoris;
myocardial infarction; hospital lethality; endovascular techniques of
diagnosis and treatment; thrombolytic therapy; hospital registers;
standardization of expenditure; clinical statistical groups; standards
of financial expenditure; means of prospective payment; programmed
budgeting aimed to result.
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