Summary. Rational use of information technologies in
health care is a crucial task for health care professionals and is
specified in the fundamental regulations. Health care facilities are
subject to a vast number of requirements related to professional
activity and finances imposed by society and patients. A realistic
solution of the majority of problems is impossible without health
informatics. Today introduction of information technologies into health
care facilities faces many challenges including lack of unified
software, insufficient funds, outstanding problems related to
classification and terminology of information systems. All this calls
for a development of an information support system for patients and
health care professionals. In practical health care it is a daily need
necessitated by the growing volumes of information and demand for active
involvement of patients into the treatment process. Organization of an
information space within a health care facility is a complex and
time-consuming process, aimed at solving professional, organizational
and social problems.
The article covers issues related to practical use of information
technologies in health care facilities to transform the existing
information space into enabling environment for cooperation between care
providers and patients. The article outlines the information support
system including its major information resources, technologies and ways
of obtaining information. Different in terms of importance, relevance
and cost, they altogether organize the informational space of a health
care facility. Medical information system serves as a comprehensive
information resource providing for a full range of functional
capabilities aimed to support scientific and practical as well as
medical and diagnostic processes.
The article also covers some interesting aspects of developing a new
resource - information center of health care facilities to expand access
to specialized quality care through the improved information support.
Keywords. Information resources in health care;
information technologies in health care; health informatics,
informational support of health care facility; medical information
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