M.I. Muslimov
"Clinic №1" Ltd., Moscow
Summary. Development of an optimal management model and
rational use of recourses remain a topical issue for a pro-profit
health care facility.
Objective of the study was to evaluate quality of paid medical services provided by a non-governmental health care facility.
Methods: the author reviews experience in quality
improvement gained by the non-governmental health care facility “Clinic
#1”Ltd. Measurement and evaluation of quality of care delivery within
the suggested model were based on a system-focused integrated approach
to quality in general and quality monitoring at a non-governmental
health care facility.
Results: Quality management system of medical services
is based on a full compliance with the international standard ISO
9001:2000 “Quality management systems. Requirements”. Doctors, nurses,
financial management and administration obligatory participate in
quality audit. For this purpose basic principles and provisions have
been developed to achieve proper quality in general, i.e. system-focused
approach, result-oriented approach, use of monitoring and internal
quality audit, management by exception. Methodology of strategic
planning on quality improvement has been developed.
It makes sense to use relevant models of performance outcomes to
evaluate performance of a non-governmental health care facility for a
certain period of time (monthly, quarterly, annually) within the
framework of the new economic mechanism and budget-insurance medicine.
Comprehensive activities aimed at quality assessment of care
delivered by “Clinic #1” Ltd. decreased the risk of medical errors and
deterioration of patients’ health more than twofold. This experience can
be disseminated to other non-governmental health care organizations.
Keywords: non-governmental health care facility; paid medical services; quality of medical care.
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