Health peculiarities of women at risk of early neonatal mortality receiving care at the federal medical and biological agency and the role of rehabilitation measures in ist improvement |
Monday, 17 March 2014 |
S.F. Torubarov
Maternity hospital #17, Moscow
Summary. Background. Protection of female health is
one of the urgent problems not only for health care along but also for
the society in general because female health determines the future of
the country. The important task of the current stage of the public
relations development, protection of reproductive health and reduction
of reproductive losses is to decrease perinatal mortality and one of ist
components – early neonatal mortality that significantly affect
demographic indicators of the country. Therefore, the modern society is
iterested in identifying available resources to reduce preventable
losses and organize maximum effective medical care delivery to women and
The aim of the study was to develop and evaluate
rehabilitation measures for women at risk of early neonatal mortlaity
who receive medical care at the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of
the Russian Federation.
Objectives included the following ones:
To conduct analysis of health indicators and identify peculiarities of
women at risk of early neonatal mortlaity who receive medical care at
the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of the Russian Federation.
To analyze life style peculiarities of women at risk of early neonatal
mortlaity who receive medical care at the Federal Medical and Biological
Agency oft he Russian Federation.
To develop and evaluate medical rehabilitation measures aimed at
improving medical care to women in the context of new perinatal
Methods and data: statistical, sociological, analytical.
Practical implications. Identification of early neonatal
mortality causes will serve as a criterium for assessing antenatal care
to pregnant women since factors that are out of the hospital and
obstetrician’s competence also play an important role.
Keywords: women; perinatal losses; peculiarity; morbidity; rehabilitation.
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Last Updated ( Wednesday, 19 March 2014 )