Healthcare system in the Russian Federation and prospects of its further development |
Tuesday, 27 May 2014 | ||||||
N.F. Plavunov1, Yu.P. Boyko2, I.G. Gal2 Abstract. Background. In recent years the Russian healthcare has been undergoing system changes mainly driven by the three most important factors. First, it is active implementation of the Federal Law N131-FZ as of 06.10.03 “On general principles of local self-government organization in the Russian Federation” in terms of shifting authorities between different levels in health care delivery, particularly, transfer of specialty care to the regional level from the municipal one. Second, it is implementation of the National priority project “Health” that developed resource base for realizing the main principle of the structural reorganization – enhanced role of primary healthcare. The third leading factor of the state policy that facilitated increased structural performance of the healthcare system is the improved quality and expanded access to pharmaceuticals to the population. The list of essential drugs to cover additional needs of the certain groups of the population was developed and approved. The aim of the study was to analyze the existing model of healthcare system and determine ways for its further prospective development. Objectives of the study included: 1. To define healthcare system in the context of modern socio-economic situation. 2. To identify main directions for improving performance of all structural blocks of the healthcare system with due regard to modern socio-economic situation. Results and practical application: systematic improvement of performance of healthcare institutions and the entire healthcare system is only possible if based on analysis of the existing system and problems identification. Later on, all those findings will become of crucial importance while developing strategic decisions. Keywords: healthcare; medical institutions; reforming; health care.
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Last Updated ( Friday, 30 May 2014 ) |
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