Kobyakova O.S., Deev I.A., Kulikov E.S., Pimenov I.D., Khomyakov K.V.
Siberian State Medical University, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
Contacts: Kulikov Evgeny S, e-mail:
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Abstract: Psycho-emotional resistance is an essential quality
for successful physician, as the daily work of health professionals
leads to overload and rapid physiological and mental exhaustion.
Burnout syndrome among physicians: According to the definition
by Christina Maslach emotional burnout is a syndrome of emotional
exhaustion, depersonalization and diminished personal accomplishment
that may arise among professionals involved in different kinds of
"caring" professions. All doctors to some extent are subject to burnout,
especially those caring for cancer patients, immunocompromised patients
and intensive care employees. Data on prevalence and severity of
burnout among physicians in Europe, Asia and North America are
Factors associated with burnout: According to international
study results, factors forming emotional burnout, include the following:
psychological environment at workplace, responsibility for performance
results, long work shifts, age (especially for physicians aged 20 to 40
years), intense perception of professional duties.
Connection between burnout and medical errors: Studies
conducted by foreign experts, allow us to determine a direct
relationship between burnout and medical errors among physicians,
surgeons, anesthesiologists and interns of various specialties.
Overcoming and preventing burnout: Primary prevention of
burnout includes proper organization of labor, skill training to cope
with stress, relaxation techniques, and application of rational
psychotherapy, Balint group psychotherapy sessions and other techniques.
Conclusion: Thus, the burnout syndrome is a companion of a
large group of "caring" professions associated with various external and
internal factors, and frequency of professional errors committed by
health care providers. In this context, besides the fact that the
problem of burnout is directly related to quality of life of health care
providers, it has also a direct impact on quality of medical care.
Keywords: burnout, medical errors, depersonalization, emotional exhaustion, diminished personal accomplishment.
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