DOI: 10.21045/2071-5021-2016-50-4-2
Bogachevskiy A.N.1, Bogachevskaia S.A.1, Bondar V.Yu.1,2
1Federal Centre for Cardiovascular Surgery, Khabarovsk;
2Far Eastern State Medical University, Khabarovsk
Contacts: Alexander N. Bogachevskiy, e-mail:
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This article presents monitoring of medical care delivery for
cardiovascular diseases through evaluation of patient’s satisfaction
with care at health care facilities of the Far Eastern Federal district.
We used materials of sociological research (536 respondents) on
quality and availability of medical care at the local, regional and
federal levels, conducted at the Federal Centre for Cardiovascular
Surgery in Khabarovsk in 2013-2015.
Results and discussion. In general, 55.9% respondents
evaluated medical care as satisfactory and above satisfactory at the
local, 51.6% - at the regional and 82.4% - at the federal level.
Difficulties in obtaining quality care, as well as insufficient volumes
of cardiovascular system examination were reported over 20 times more
often at the local level compared to the federal level and 10.4 times
more often compared to the regional level. Satisfaction with
professional skills at federal-level institutions was 4.1 times higher
compared to local level facilities, and 2.2 times higher compared to
regional-level institutions while considerate staff attitude towards
patients was 2.3 and 2.2 times higher respectively. More than two-thirds
of the patients evaluated treatment effectiveness as satisfactory and
above satisfactory despite the level of care delivery. Most often high
cost of treatment at the local level of care delivery was mentioned in
the Khabarovsk territory (11.9%), and at the regional level - in the
Primorsky territory (16.4%).
Conclusions. Satisfaction with medical care for diseases of
the circulatory system (67.7%) was higher than the general level in the
Far East (24.6%), but lower than the country general level (80%). This
may be due to successful performance of the Federal Center for
Cardiovascular Surgery and regional vascular centers in the Far Eastern
Region. Public credibility gap related to healthcare is most evident at
the local and regional levels.
Keywords: medical service, satisfaction with medical care, accessibility and quality of medical care.
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