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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹5 2016 (51) arrow ADMINISTRATING PERSONNEL RESERVES AS A WAY TO IMPROVE MANAGERIAL POTENTIAL
Tuesday, 01 November 2016

DOI: 10.21045/2071-5021-2016-51-5-8

1A.A. Knyazev, 1L.K.Lokhtina, 2Yu.V. Miroshnikova
1Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics of Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow
2Institution of Advanced Training under the Federal Biomedical Agency, Moscow

Contacts: Larisa K. Lokhtina, e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

Abstract. Significance. All levels of management are conscious of the need to develop a new type of leaders, which is stipulated by legislative acts on developing and training managerial personnel reserves. However, activities in this direction are not of a system nature to ensure timely holding a managerial position by a thoroughly selected and well-trained candidate.

Today personnel management in healthcare is the weakest link in performing the leader’s function. Problem analysis of reserves’ management in health care facilities, presented in this article, allows for developing proposals for improvement.

Purpose: to upgrade management of personnel reserves to a qualitatively new level through unlocking existing potential of the managerial personnel in healthcare.

Methods: analytical, sociological, mathematical statistics, expert evaluation.

Results. The article identified major gaps in reserves’ management: ineffective planning and rotation, formal and non-transparent procedures for assigning to the managerial reserves, delayed provision of information to the staff, inadequate training and retraining programs. Low demand for candidates reduces motivation to be assigned to the reserves, extends the adaptation period to the new position and restrains career development.

The authors suggest the following improvements of the personnel reserves’ management: substantiated choice of candidates with due regard to the available potential and motivation; planned individual work; targeted progression of the reserves; revision of training and retraining programs for managerial personnel; alignment to current needs of the industry; shift from the current operation to the future development.

Conclusions. A multistage planning of work with managerial personnel reserves in healthcare can significantly improve potential of the current managerial personnel as well as stimulate both effective operation of each structural unit of the industry at all levels of management and its future development.

Administrating personnel reserves as a way to improve managerial potential allows for improving quality management of the organization, achieving competitive advantages and ensuring a rapid development. Training leaders of the "new type" with due regard to actual needs of the organization and individual capabilities incentivizes personnel to develop and increase their self-esteem, multifold repaying all investments.

Keywords: reserve of the managerial personnel; personnel reserve; personnel potential; administrative personnel; managerial personnel; management training.


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