DOI: 10.21045/2071-5021-2017-56-4-7
1Shcherbakov S.M., 2,3Teplyakova E.D., 4Rumyantsev S.A., 4,5Vasilenok A.V.
1Rostov State University of Economics
2 Rostov State Medical University
3Municipal Childrens polyclinic ¹4 city of Rostov-on-Don
4Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University
5Dmitry Rogachev National Research Center of Pediatric Hematology, Oncology and Immunology
Contacts: Aleksandr Vasilenok, e-mail:
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Information about authors:
Shcherbakov S.M.,
Teplyakova E.D.,
Rumyantsev S.A.,
Vasilenok A.V.,
Acknowledgments. The study had no sponsorship.
Conflct of interests. The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Abstract. Significance. The introduction
of information technology into the work of medical organizations on
different levels is one of the urgent tasks of health care system
modernization. The simulation method allows to estimate labor costs for
the execution of medical care processes and to find ways to increase
productivity of the ambulatory medical organization work while
conducting medical check ups.
Purpose of the study. Evaluation of the effectiveness
of various options for automating the processes of conducting medical
check ups and clinical examination in an ambulatory medical organization
based on the use of simulation models to reduce the cost of resources.
Methods. Visual and simulation modeling of the
processes of an ambulatory medical organization was carried out by means
of the unified UML language.
Results of the study. A set of visual and imitation
models of the process of medical check ups and clinical examination in
an ambulatory medical organization is constructed allowing to visually
reflect these processes at different levels of use of information
technology and to quantify the labor costs for their implementation
depending on the parameters of the ambulatory medical organization. As a
result of the simulation experiment a comparative assessment of the
labor costs of pediatricians, specialists, nurses and support medical
personnel was carried out for five alternative ways of organizing the
processes using medical information systems taking a pediatric
ambulatory medical organization as an example. Basing on the results of
the simulation experiment, decisions are taken on making changes in the
organization of the processes that are most optimal for the specific
tasks of the medical organization.
Conclusions. The application of the proposed
methodology of visual and simulation modeling in the ambulatory medical
organizations allows to estimate the labor costs of doctors, nurses and
support medical personnel; to highlight the most time-consuming
processes and operations; to find ways to improve efficiency, including
through the use of information technology; to compare alternative ways
of automation. The simulation modeling conducted in accordance with the
proposed methodology demonstrates the possibility of its wide use to
improve the management efficiency of an ambulatory medical organization
of any organizational form.
Keywords: medical organization; business process; information systems; simulation; SIM-UML
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