DOI: 10.21045/2071-5021-2017-56-4-8
Tsybikova E.B.1, Zubova N.A.2, Midorenko D.A.3
1 Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics of Ministry of Public Health of Russian Federation, Moscow
2 Regional TB dispensary, Saransk
3 Tver State University, Tver
Contacts: Erzheni B. Tsybikova, e-mail:
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Information about authors:
Tsybikova E.B.,
Zubova N.A.,
Midorenko D.A.,
Acknowledgments. The study had no sponsorship.
Conflct of interests. The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Background. Timely detection of TB among contacts of TB
sputum smear-positive patients requires testing not only close and
long-term contacts but people living near TB infection focal points and
people at high risk for TB due to accidental contacts with TB focal
The study purpose: to analyze geographical distribution
and boundaries of TB focal points to estimate population subject to
X-ray testing (exemplified by Saransk).
Materials and methods: data on 34 patients with sputum
smear-positive chronic pulmonary tuberculosis under follow-up at the
Regional TB dispensary in Saransk and data on 198 newly diagnosed
patients with lung TB in 2014-2015.
Data were extracted from the Rosstat (Federal State Statistics
Service) reporting forms #8 and #33 and from the Order #50 of the
Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. For each patient
information about sex, age, date of birth and residence address (street
and house number) was obtained. Data on Saransk population number and
density, and housing in each district of Saransk were also used for the
Results. Currently, the main source of TB infection in
Mordovia is patients with chronic lung TB with unclosed cavities and
bacterial excretion after treatment.
Using cartographic methods based on geo-information systems allowed
to extend definition of TB focal point to include both actual place of
residence of patients with chronic lung TB as well as ambient
environment within boundaries of which infection spreads via accidental
contacts of the infection source with population.
Comparison of addresses of permanent residence of patients with
chronic lung TB with addresses of newly diagnosed TB patients during two
years showed that newly diagnosed TB patients lived in the vicinity of
chronic TB focal points including buffer zones.
Using cartographic methods based on geo-informational systems allowed
to identify location and boundaries of chronic TB focal points helping
to estimate population subject to chest X-ray testing due to high risk
for TB.
The analysis showed that 11952 people or 10% of the population
residing within the area covering the three epidemic clusters and one
large epidemic focus required a compulsory chest X-ray testing.
Keywords: chest X-ray testing; lung TB; TB focal points; cartographic method based on geo-information system.
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