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№2 2008 (6)

Основная тема №2 2008  – проблема социально значимых заболеваний.

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Date Item Title Author Hits
Monday, 16 June 2008 Role of prevention in controlling of socially sound diseases Orlova G.G. 42348
Monday, 09 June 2008 Organization of Medical Care to Patients with Chronic Surgical Infection of Soft Tissue Yagudin R.T., Ivanova M.A., Puchkov K.G. 26298
Monday, 09 June 2008 The present-day methods for developing the composition of first-aid tools and devices Khalmuratov А.М., Dezhurny L.I., Neudakhin G.V., Chursanova А.V. 39270
Monday, 09 June 2008 Economic effectiveness of the organization children’s inspections from the contingents of antitubercular dispensaries with the using the scheme of low doses digital X-ray diagnostics Пучков К.Г., Саниев М.А., Сафиулина С.В., Перчаткина Г.В., Стерликов С.А., Сошников С.С., Рыжкова А. 26854
Monday, 09 June 2008 Is chemoprophylaxis and preventive therapy latent TB-infection in Russia effective? Sterlikov S.A., Aksenova V.A., Bogorodskaya E.M., Puchkov K.G. 42076
Monday, 09 June 2008 The search for ways for the solution of the problem of the excessive consumption of alcohol Sergey Soshnikov, Mark Tseshkovsky 32251
Monday, 09 June 2008 Оrganization of anti-tuberculosis care in Russia Skachkova E.I., Nechaeva O.B. , Punga V.V. 41375
Monday, 09 June 2008 HIV-Infection Monitoring. Specific Features of Epidemic Situation in Russia Skachkova E.I. , Novozhilov A.V. 28143
Friday, 06 June 2008 Inoculation against tuberculosis for hiv-infected children born by hiv-infected mothers in sverdlovsk region Nechaeva O.B., Skachkova E.I., Podymova A.S., Aismont N.V., Popkova G.G. 29624
Friday, 06 June 2008 Assesment of social disadaptation as the risk factor for tuberculosis Skachkova E.I., Kucheryavaya D.A. 35492
Friday, 06 June 2008 Normative and legal regulations in postgraduate professional education of health care specialists in the Russian Federation Kamynina N.N., Vladimirov S.K. 41146
Friday, 06 June 2008 Provision of the first aid to persons injured in traffic accidents by vehicle drivers. Legal issues, training, and equipment Dezhurny L.I., Chursanova А.V., Ganzhurova B.Ts., Khalmuratov А.М. 42021
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