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№3 2009 (11)
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Date Item Title Author Hits
Tuesday, 11 August 2009 Analysis of indicators of population health at the level of municipal formations (by an example of the Khanty – Mansijsk autonomous district) Ivanova A.E., Pavlov N.B., Belyavsky A.R. 19442
Tuesday, 11 August 2009 Some features of formation OF statistical data on hospital morbidity using the federal reporting data Sekrieru E.M., Moravskaya S.V., Zakharova A.B. 26645
Tuesday, 11 August 2009 Тo the annual statistical reports acceptance results for the year 2008 Leonov S.A., Zajchenko N.M. 20432
Tuesday, 11 August 2009 The death-rateS analysis of Novokuznetsk population on the basis of an electronic database for the period 1999-2007 Zhilina N.M., Fadeeva A.E., Chechenin G.I. 24284
Tuesday, 11 August 2009 Analysis of disability among adult population due to vascular diseases in Novokuznetsk on the basis of the electronic database for the period of years 2004-2007 Chechenin G.I., Orekhova E.N., Zhilina N.M. 22524
Tuesday, 11 August 2009 Analysis of quality of the statistical information on psychiatry in the Russian Federation in 2008 Tvorogova N.A., Avdeeva L.N., Nikolaeva T.A., Yazdovskaya A.V. 20391
Tuesday, 11 August 2009 Mental and behaviour disorders morbidity in children's population of the Russian Federation Mendelevich B.D. 34668
Tuesday, 11 August 2009 The basic parameters of activity of narcological service in the Russian Federation in 2007-2008 (analysis of data of the federal statistical supervision) Kirzhanova V.V. 30582
Tuesday, 11 August 2009 Evaluation of quality of statistical reports of regional oncological dispensaries for the year 2008 Petrova G.V., Kharchenko N.V., Gretsova O.P., Prostov Yu.I. 20660
Tuesday, 11 August 2009 The analysis of morbidity caused by sexually transmitted infections in population of the Russian Federation for the period of years 1997 - 2008 Ivanova M.A., Vinogradova S.A., Vartapetova N.V., Malygina N.S., Zalevskaja O.V. 30007
Tuesday, 11 August 2009 On registration of tuberculosis patients in penitentiaries of the federal service of execution of punishments of Russia Tsybikova E.B., Sidorova S.V. 21356
Tuesday, 11 August 2009 The organization of the work of an emergency care in the Russian Federation. The results of reception of annual statistical reports for 2008 Shliafer S.I. 23030
Tuesday, 11 August 2009 Health of pupiles and teachers by results of automated information system "Socially-hygienic monitoring" (using novokuznetsk as an example) Fadeeva A.E., Zhilina N.M., Chechenin G.I., Junusova V.A. 23076
Tuesday, 11 August 2009 Cost of hospital treatment of respiratory and blood circulation diseases under gender aspect (using the compulsory medical insurance data in Krasnoyarsk territory ) Sabgayda T.P., Yanin V.N., Todyshev A.Yu., Evdokushkina G.N. 20544
Tuesday, 11 August 2009 About some features of traumatism in the Russian Federation Leonov S.A., Ogryzko E.V., Zajchenko N.M. 21488
Monday, 17 August 2009 Рецензия: Л.А. Дартау, Ю.Л. Мизерницкий, А.Р. Стефанюк. Здоровье человека и качество жизни: проблемы и особенности управления (М.: СИНТЕГ, 2009. – 400 с.) Венедиктов Д.Д. 14591
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