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Thursday, 01 November 2018

DOI: 10.21045/2071-5021-2018-63-5-7

1Vartanian E.A., 2Gridnev O.V., 2Torubarov S.F., 2Gabrielyan A.R.
1I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Moscow
2Institute of advanced training, Federal Medial and Biological Agency, Moscow, Russia

Contacts: Vartanyan Ellen, e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it
Information about authors:
Vartanian E. A. http://orcid.org/0000-0002-0581-5159
Gridnev O.V. http://orcid.org/0000-0002-9096-9223
Acknowledgments. The study was supported by the Russian Federal Medical and Biological Agency.
Conflict of interests. The authors declare no conflict of interest.


Significance. Miscarriage is one of the greatest challenges of the reproductive medicine taking on a greater medical and socioeconomic importance in the context of the current demographic situation in Russia. Reproductive health protection and restoration is one of the most practical and perspective directions for improving the demographic situation. The current state of reproductive health, growing number of infertile marriages, increasing share of miscarriage and noncarrying of pregnancy (spontaneous abortions) call for new solutions.

The study purpose: to form prospective follow-up groups of families with reproductive health problems (women with miscarriage) to ensure effective outpatient follow-up.

Methods. The authors used the following methods: monographic description, analytical, statistical methods, expert appraisals and comparative analysis.

Results. Feedback between gynecological hospitals and women’s health clinics (Marriage and family counseling ) (or specialized reception of patients with miscarriage from the entire catchment area of the women’s health clinic) can facilitate maximum detection and registration of spontaneous abortions with due regard to specifics of their registration in the statistical reporting forms.

Formation of groups for prospective follow-up on the outpatient basis will help to ensure timely and effective outpatient follow-up. By “timely” we assume not just starting the couple’ follow-up right after the miscarriage but, which is crucial, the time regarding to the sequence number of the miscarried pregnancy. It is necessary to note that 25% of spontaneous abortion took place in childless families and it was the first pregnancy in 20% of women.

Conclusions. 1. Obligatory medical genetic counselling and cytogenetic testing of couples with miscarriage is necessary regardless of the sequence number of the miscarried pregnancy in families without alive and healthy children. 2. Prospective follow-up and formation of the group of women with spontaneous abortion for prenatal diagnostics starting from the gynecological hospital.

Keywords: spontaneous abortion; working age; miscarriage; lifestyle; families; monitoring.


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