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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹3 2011 (19) arrow The influence of hiv-infection on development of epidemiologic situation with tb in the Russian Federation
The influence of hiv-infection on development of epidemiologic situation with tb in the Russian Federation Print
Friday, 30 September 2011

Summary. The epidemiologic situation with TB became stable in Russia by the beginning of 2011. TB morbidity has begun to diminish since 2009. Since 2005 mortality from TB has reduced by 32.3%. It has been in 2010 that HIV-infection mortality rates have fallen for the first time ever. Nevertheless, prevalence of HIV-infection still grows on. Mortality rate for HIV-infection  is not at all high (3%), though it enhances annually more and more.

As concerns the structure of mortality from infectious and parasites-induced diseases,  the proportion of mortality from TB has fallen from 82.8% in 2005 to 64.9% in 2010, while the proportion of mortality from HIV-infection has risen from 3.9% in 2005 to 20.2% in 2010.

As concerns the structure of mortality from all causes,  the proportion of mortality from TB has in a similar manner fallen from 1.40% in 2005 to 1.08% in 2010, while the proportion of mortality from HIV-infection has in a similar manner risen from 0.07% in 2005 to 0.33% in 2010.

As concerns prevalence of TB in general population, the best situation is in Central and in Northern Western Federal Districts, while the worse situation is in Far Eastern and Sibirian Federal Districts. As concerns prevalence of HIV-infection in general population, the worse situation is in Ural, Sibirian  and in Northern Western Federal Districts.

Low  prevalence of TB in general population in Central and in Northern Western Federal Districts produced a low  prevalence of TB in HIV-infected population there.

On the other hand, high prevalence of TB in general population in Far Eastern and Sibirian Federal Districts produced there high rates of morbidity for TB among HIV-infected patients, with  rather low prevalence of HIV-infection in these Federal Districts.


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