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Research of a problem of self-treatment children’s sharp respiratory diseases Print
Thursday, 09 February 2012

Summary. The purpose of the spent researches was studying of the reasons and level of distribution of self-treatment by parents of children with sharp respiratory diseases. Sociological poll is spent in the internal form by a questioning method. It is interrogated 600 parents living in Stavropol Territory. 584 correctly filled questionnaires that provides reception of representative results are analyzed. The questionnaire contained 17 questions, allowing to estimate marital status and the social status of the respondent, the reason of self-treatment, motivation at a choice of medical products and requirements to them.

Inhabitants participated in questioning city (55%) and countryside (45%). Respondents-parents with average vocational education have made 44%, with secondary education - 19 %, relative density of the parents having higher and incomplete higher education - accordingly 20% and 17%. The majority interrogated are employees (42%) or carry on business (28%).

At the analysis of structure of a family portrait it is established that the majority of respondents (58%) live in families from three persons. Have one child of 70% of the families participating in sociological poll, a two - 22% of respondents. The most numerous in families interrogated is the group of children at the age from 12 till 14 years (41%), children at the age from 5 till 12 years make 29%, in 26% of families children at the age from a year till 5 years are brought up, 24% of families have the child at the age of less year.

At children 82% of parents that is a high indicator are engaged in self-treatment sharp respiratory diseases. Parents specify the reasons inducing them to resort to self-treatment sharp respiratory diseases at children: a lack of time for visiting of the expert (41%), opinion on sufficient volume of own knowledge concerning application of medical products (34%), mistrust to the decision of the doctor (36%), absence of the doctor in a residence (4%), insufficient material possibilities (3%). Only 5% of respondents consider what to self-medicate children it is impossible (their opinion completely coincides with opinion of doctors-pediatrists), possibility of self-treatment of the child is elderly about one year suppose 16% of parents, 24% of respondents consider that it is possible to be engaged in self-treatment of the child from 5 years. In case of self-treatment sharp respiratory diseases at the child a basis of a choice of a medical product are: Recommendations of the doctor, the data in the previous cases of disease (67%), a private experience of treatment of the given disease (62%), council of the pharmaceutical worker (38%), studying of the special literature (25%). At a medical product choice its most significant consumer properties are efficiency, safety and absence of the contra-indications, the most preferred medicinal form - syrups.

Parents not to the full realize possible negative consequences of self-treatment sharp respiratory diseases at children. The information on preventive measures is necessary for reduction of risk of complications sharp respiratory diseases in epidemics and danger of self-treatment sharp respiratory diseases at children for parents.

Keywords: questioning of parents, sharp respiratory disease, children’s self-treatment.


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