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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹2 2012 (24) arrow Analysis of operation of emergency healthcare in the Russian Federation
Analysis of operation of emergency healthcare in the Russian Federation Print
Friday, 13 April 2012

S.I. Shlyafer
Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics of Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, Moscow

Summary. Indicators of operation of the emergency healthcare in the Russian Federation for the period of the years 1990-2010 were studied for the assessment of this service problems and prospects of development.

Emergency healthcare is rendered along the standards of healthcare, it consists in free-of-charge services to the citizens when any of the situation involving their hanging conditions, occurred accidents, trauma, poisoning, etc. necessitates urgent medical interference at pre-hospitalization or inpatient stages. These services are considered as cost-consuming ones with the mean cost of such a call estimated as 1,280.9 rubles in 2009 and 1,354.6 rubles in 2010.

Two last decades evidenced a certain growth of the relative number of visits from emergency crew: from 323.9 visits upon one thousand people of population to 332.2. The relative number of admitted to hospital through this procedure increased from 52.4 subjects upon one thousand people of population to 71.8. As a result, by the end of aforementioned period, emergency crew delivered subjects has amounted to one third of the total pool of people admitted to hospital in Russia. This phenomenon could be accounted for by the loosening of prevention measures from the part of outpatient facilities which made for expansion of latent chronic conditions in the population fraught with unanticipated attack.

In 2010 an inpatient stage of rendering emergency care was put under special regulation which implied, first of all, the obligatory attachment of emergency care department to every inpatient facility. This organizational scheme is currently under testing in quite a several regions of the Russian Federation.

Improving primary healthcare is an important trend in National Top-Priority Project “Health”. It was under this project that the emergency care service was becoming equipped with novel medical vehicles and the payments to medical and paramedical staff of this service were specified since the year 2006.

The aim of this work is to analyze operation of emergency health care in the Russian Federation during the years 1990-2010.

Keywords. Emergency healthcare, the number of persons who received emergency healthcare, medical staff of the emergency healthcare, emergency healthcare teams, emergency ambulance.



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