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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹2 2012 (24) arrow Planning for improving sustainability of medical settings when rectifying medical sanitary consequences of emergency situations on the railroads
Planning for improving sustainability of medical settings when rectifying medical sanitary consequences of emergency situations on the railroads Print
Friday, 13 April 2012

S.A. Krayevoy, V.Ya. Galukhin
Department of public health in the open joint stock company “Russian Railroads”, Moscow

Summary. Health of a human being bears a great social economic importance. It is a constituent element of national wealth from two counterparts of points of view: to maintain a sound state of health, a certain part of General Domestic Product is to be involved into this enterprise, with the very health of the population being considered as a resource strongly needed for the production of material wealth and for effective functioning of the whole public society. Public health vector inserted in the open joint stock company “Russian Railroads” is considered to be part of general technological process of national railroad system as it is providing for successive activities and sustainable operation of this system, as well as for increase in labor productivity here. Departmental public health is apt to be more capable to provide for sustainable operation of railroad transport and by this to contribute to the solution of certain issues, such as modernization of this transport or sublimation of tasks put by the government to it.

As for emergency situations arisen from a railroad accident, their certain specific features could be indicated in a following manner:

  • sizeable numbers of victims (implying significant fatality) among railroad staff and the passengers either situated inside a train, or at a railroad platform, or in a railway station/terminal; even the dwellers of a nearby locality may suffer from a railroad accident;
  • traumatism peculiar for a railroad as for it localization on/in the body, the patterns of injuries, extent of severity, predomination of comprehensive trauma, prevailing of multiple or combined injuries of mechanical nature;
  • evident deficiency of medical care to provided be at the scene of an accident when mostly self-manpower and medical means are implied, at least as far as opportune and full-scale medical assistance to the victims is concerned; certain discrepancy between the nature of the traumas of railroad victims and capabilities of medical facilities at the spot; resulting lack of access of the total set of the victims involved in the emergency situation to really qualified medical assistance;
  • situation not rarely faced with peculiar geographic, landscape or human convenience conditions at the spot not favoring the provision of emergency medical care at any daytime and at any year season (challenging terrain, track side, frequent remoteness/embarrassing access to localities with complete range of convenience and to appropriate medical facilities); possible chemical/radioactive pollution of a place/establishment resulting from a particular average involving transportation of chemically/radioactively endangering cargos;
  • embarrassing schedule of conveyance of rolling trains in railroad traffic which can readily hamper opportune travelling isolation of the victims prior to a full-scale rescue operation.

The aforementioned peculiar features characteristic for tactical situation of medical bearing induced by a railroad crash/wreck/average are to be taken in account just during the process of elaboration of a pattern of appropriate measures for a case of emergency here. Detailed development of the strategy and tactics of rendering emergency care to large masses of people is to be based on the idea of the extreme character of such measures associated at-the-spot with acute deficiency of manpower and means of this departmental medical service.

Keywords.Emergency situation; planning;extreme conditions; evaluation; strategy and tactics.


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