Ye.A. Glukhova, Ye.L. Potyemkin
I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Moscow
Summary. To outline the rationales of the techniques
for the evaluation of staff resources of a research clinical facility,
involving the assessment of current condition and analysis of future
Theoretical conceptions and methodological techniques for the
assessment of future prospects of staff resources were the main focus of
this study. To the end of elaborating complex evaluation of staff
resources prospects, the quantitative and qualitative constituents of
these resources were distinguished and investigated into along
reproducible techniques.
This complex evaluation of the prospects of staff management was
adjusted so as to provide optimal relationship between quantitative and
qualitative constituents of the staff resources-in-question. This
optimal relationship was obtained with the use of reproducible
techniques based on modern information technologies. The procedures of
evaluation of condition and analysis of prospects of the staff resource
of a given research and clinical facility were equipped with properly
designed conceptions and formalized reproducible techniques specified
for this study. A unified technology of accounting and evaluating staff
resources of a given research clinical facility was developed in this
study upon implementation of certain reproducible techniques; that
technology provided sound approaches to compiling personalized database
related to established systems of management. The elaborated design of
this unified technology turned out quite compatible with other
information systems operating in this field.
This system of information and analysis is to be helpful in basic
accounting papers procedures and in compiling supplementary entries of
information and analysis on current condition and future prospects of
staff resource of a facility; it is also of use in organizing staff
monitoring in a facility based on sociological and social psychological
survey of manpower in this field. This system of information and
analysis also can assist in developing staff resources of a facility
when targeting improvements in staff skills and more efficient use of
the staff.
Keywords. Research clinical facility; features of human
resources; staff potential of medical facility; complex evaluation of
staff prospects; monitoring of staff; social and psychological
assessment of the staff; staff management.
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