D.O. Roschin1, T.P. Sabgayda2, G.N.Evdokushkina2
1Federal hospital of Russian Academy of Sciences, Troitsk, Moscow region
2Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics of Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Summary. Russia enters the “big ten” of nations with
greatest number of diabetes mellitus, while mortality from it ranges
rather low in official statistics. That indicates an evident
under-registration of diabetes mellitus as a cause of death. The aim of
this study is to analyze the frequency of diabetes indications while
death causes diagnostics.
Two approaches were applied. First, three “science-oriented” towns of
Moscow region (Chernogolovka, Pushkino, and Troitsk) were screened
through this study, and a comparison of death certificates (Form
No.106/ó-08) with medical records of dead patients of the only
in-patient facilities of those towns was performed. Second, death
certificates (Form No.106/ó-98) from the regions of Tver, Tula, and
Kaluga were also enrolled in this study, and the subclauses a), b), c)
of the clause N18 of those death certificates (Form No.106/ó-98) were
investigated into. The morbidity and mortality from diabetes mellitus in
1994-2010 were investigated into for those three regions. Microsoft
Office Access 2003 and Microsoft Office Excel 2003 software were used
for data processing.
In case of in-hospital mortality, about one quarter of the dead
patients had had diabetes mellitus in medical records, while it had
never been officially proclaimed among causes of death, save one case
with diabetes mellitus stated as underlying cause of death. Mostly,
while death causes diagnostics clinical approach in applied. Lack of
determination in persons who establish cause of death to give an
evaluation of population health results in perception of diabetes
mellitus as a background disease and not as a primary cause of disorders
of organs and systems functioning leading to lethal outcomes from
causes of different classes.
The mathematical frequency of inclusion of diabetes mellitus in
causes of death in issued medical certificates of death surveyed into in
this study was one order of magnitude less than it had been in overall
morbidity with diabetes mellitus of the adult population.
In the regions of Tver and Kaluga where morbidity and mortality in
diabetes mellitus were similar to the all-Russia indicators, diabetes
mellitus was very rarely mentioned in death certificates, namely: in
1.3% and 1.9% of issued certificates, respectively, while in the region
of Tula where morbidity was higher, it was mentioned in 2.5%
Distribution of number of records indication presence of diabetes
mellitus in death certificates doesn’t coincide with the frequency of
diabetes complications. Apart from endocrine diseases the most often
such records were found in cases of deaths from diseases of the skin and
subcutaneous tissue and from diseases of the musculoskeletal system and
connective tissue. In case of diseases of the skin and subcutaneous
tissue, respiratory and digestive diseases input of diabetes-associated
deaths in females is by 1.2-1.9 times higher than in males; in case of
infections, Ill-defined and unknown causes of mortality and traumas and
poisonings – by more than 8 times.
The problem of diabetes mellitus still has no adequate social
perception as concerns health status of the population, and a vicious
circle is formed when underestimation of social and medical implications
of diabetes mellitus evokes not a rare inclination of a corresponding
official to skip it in medical certificates of death being issued. This
leads to a lack of attention of public health authorities to the
problems of prevention of diabetes mellitus and enhancement of medical
care quality for patients with diabetes mellitus. The whole situation
makes for underestimation of diabetes mellitus for the state of health
of the population, experts of public health also being mystified as
concerns this problem. The first obligatory step for breaking the
vicious circle is compulsory registration of diabetes mellitus while
death causes diagnostics.
Keywords. Problem of diabetes mellitus in public
health; coding of causes of death; perception of diabetes problem;
mortality in diabetes mellitus; in-hospital lethality of patients with
diabetes mellitus; evaluation of completeness of revelation of mortality
from diabetes mellitus; diabetes mellitus-related mortality; filling-in
of medical death certificates.
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