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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹2 2013 (30) arrow Quality management of outpatient care to patients with interventions for stroke
Quality management of outpatient care to patients with interventions for stroke Print
Thursday, 18 April 2013

Summary. Prevention and medical rehabilitation of post-stroke patients have evolved into a socially important issue rather than a clinical one. Policy for prevention and medical treatment of neurological diseases needs to be developed with due regard to national, regional and local context.

Data from screening of working population show that only one fifth of the adult population does not have risk factors. Over half (56%) of the working population have different risk factors; half of this group have different combinations of risk factors that considerably increases the overall risk.

Annually, diseases of the nervous system kill about one million people in Russia. Inadequate medical and social services to patients of this group are one of the reasons of high mortality rates including low access to innovative treatment technologies for diseases of the nervous system and post-stroke conditions in particular.

Results. Epidemiological studies show high prevalence of neurological pathologies in many countries. Significant differences in incidence among different populations related to geographic, territorial, climatic, socioeconomic, financial and biological factors have been identified. Each region has its own pathology profile that should be analyzed to develop scientific basis for regional programs of prevention, diagnostic and treatment.

Prevention and medical rehabilitation of patients with diseases of the nervous system especially with post-stroke conditions are complicated with impaired continuity of care at different stages of medical rehabilitation. Despite a pressing need many regions lack offices for prevention, departments for early medical rehabilitation of post-stroke patients and patients after interventions. Research on development of modern prevention technologies (primary and secondary), medical rehabilitation of post-stroke patients and optimal individual programs based on available pathogenetic methods of rehabilitation remain a priority.

Keywords: Post-stroke condition; patient; treatment, medical rehabilitation; effectiveness; quality of medical care


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