Guseva N.K., German S.V.
Nizhny Novgorod State Medical Academy, Nizhny Novgorod
Summary. Besides its humanitarian aspect health loss
has an economic one as well. The scale of economic losses due to
disability should be taken into account while planning and monitoring
implementation efficiency of the state programs aimed at improving
social and economic well-being of differently-abled people and
population in general both at the regional and federal levels.
The aim of the study was to estimate economic losses due to adult disability in the Nizhni Novgorod region in 2002-2012.
Methods and data. For the first time ever the economic
losses due to adult disability were estimated and evaluated in the
Nizhni Novgorod region for 2002-2012 using “Methods for estimating
economic losses due to mortality, morbidity and disability” approved by
the Order of The Ministry of Economic Development, Ministry of Health
and Social Development, Ministry of Finance, and the Federal State
Statistics Service as of 10.04.2012 N192/323í/45í/113. The authors
extend their gratitude to the Nizhni Novgorod Division of the Pension
Fund of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Economics of the
Nizhni Novgorod region for information support and assistance in
collecting the required research data.
Results. In 2008-2012, business population of the
Nizhni Novgorod region reduced by 3.46%. In this situation, against the
background of increased workforce deficit, the differently-abled people
are considered as an important labor reserve. In 2002-2012, the
under-produced gross regional product due to adult disability increased
by 4.38 times, while expenditures for disability pension increased by
5.28 times. The overall damage due to adult disability accounted for
more than 15% of the gross regional product.
Conclusions. About 90% of the total economic losses due
to adult disability in the Nizhni Novgorod region were accounted for by
the severe disability – I and II groups. The increased share of the III
group in the structure of economic losses due to disability coupled
with the growing number of this cohort suggests, among other things, low
effectiveness of activities aimed at professional rehabilitation of the
differently-abled people at a regional level.
Scope of application. The obtained results can be used
to develop federal and regional programs of social development, to plan
activities aimed at disability prevention and improved rehabilitation of
the differently-abled people.
Keywords: population disability; economic losses; damage assessment; disability pension; gross regional product.
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