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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹2 2014 (36) arrow New tobacco control legislation the Russian Federation
New tobacco control legislation the Russian Federation Print
Tuesday, 27 May 2014

N.F. Gerasimenko, O.Yu. Aleksandrova, A.M. Biksolt
I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Moscow 

Summary. Today, tobacco use is the easiest preventable risk factor of mortality in the world. Every day the world smokes over 15 billion cigarettes. In 2012, tobacco smoking accounted for more than 5 million deaths – more than mortality from TB, HIV/AIDS and malaria combined.

Tobacco will kill over one billion peopls unless effective measures are taken.

In Russia, smoking kills 330-400 thousand people yearly and is one of the causes of the demographic crisis. In Russia 63% of men and 19% of women smoke. Some 400 thousand school children aged 10-13 years try smoking.

Therefore, the Russian legislative framework on tobacco control has been revised.

The first Russian Federal Law #87 FZ “On limiting tobacco smoking” as of 10.07.2001 came into force in 2001. Therefore, measures aimed at limited tobacco smoking in Russia have been legislated since 2001. However, not all legislated norms were enhanced with a comprehensive implementation mechanism.

With the entry into legal force of the Federal Law #51 FZ “On joining the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control” as of 24.04.2008 the Russian Federation has to implement the Convention requirements. For these purposes the State Duma adopted the Federal Law #15 FZ “On protecting population health from exposure to tobacco smoke and consequences of tobacco use” as of 23.02.2013. To impose administrative sanctions for non-compliance with prohibitions and restrictions envisaged by the Federal Law “On protecting population health from exposure to tobacco smoke and consequences of tobacco use” the State Duma adopted the Federal Law “On introduction of amendments into the Administrative Offence Code of the Russian Federation and the Federal Advertizing Law in connection with the adoption of the Federal Law #274 FZ “On protecting population health from exposure to tobacco smoke and consequences of tobacco use” as of 21.10.2013.

Thus, the Russian legislation specifies measures aimed at protecting population health through prevention of exposure to tobacco smoke as well as reduction of tobacco use. Sanctions for violating the Law provisions have been envisaged as well.

Keywords: health protection; tobacco smoking; legislation; administrative measures.


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