Tsybulskaja I.S., Bakhadova E.V.
Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics of Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Abstract. Social and economic perturbations and
attributable increase in the number of dysfunctional and sociopathic
families give rise to such urgent problems as deviant behavior, child
neglect and homelessness, and juvenile crime.
The aim of the study is to draw public attention to the
growing number of dysfunctional families, and to call for more vigorous
actions to change this situation that endangers the national security
for the better.
Study objectives:
- To determine age peculiarities of deviant manifestations in children;
- To specify, what deviations in inner circle contribute to
development of deviations in minor children and to determine most
effective measures of prevention and correction of this phenomenon.
Data. 299 children registered and on social follow-up
at the “Garmonia” Center of social support to families and children in
the town of Kolomna, Moscow region.
Methods: sociological, mathematical and analytical.
Results. The authors present data on character and
prevalence of deviant behavior in children of different age (under 1
year, 2-4 years, 5-7 years, 8-12 years and 13-17 years), namely:
psychological problems and social maladjustment, conflicts with peers
and aggression, runaway and vagabondage, immorality, poor progress at
school, non-attendance of school, begging, physical, mental and
emotional violence, tobacco smoking, substance abuse, alcohol abuse,
suicide attempts and offence; with identification of the age average
indicator, its excess depending upon the deviation type and child age,
prevalence, ranking of negative and positive environmental factors,
qualitative difference in perception of environmental factors by
children of different age.
Conclusion. The authors made suggestions on prevention
and correction of deviant behavior in children; presented experience of
leading institutions of social support to minor children.
Keywords: deviant behavior, minor children, family,
environmental factors, impact technology, preventive actions and
countermeasures, socialization, social service facilities.
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