Bunova S.S., Usacheva E.V., Zamakhina O.V.
Omsk State Medical Academy, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Omsk
Contacts: Elena Usacheva, e-mail:
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(ElenaV.Usacheva at yandex dot ru)
Abstract. Ischaemic heart disease in general and myocardial
infarction in particular, represent an important medical and social
problem, which indicates the need to explore and develop mechanisms to
reduce morbidity, disability and mortality due to this disease.
Therefore, the purpose of the study was to identify
regularities of myocardial infarction incidence in the Russian
Federation for 11 years (from 2002 to 2012).
Methods and data. A descriptive study using data from the Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat) for 2002-2012.
Results and discussion. The study shows that in the Russian
Federation, over 11 years, from 2002 to 2012, there was registered a
steady decline in the incidence of acute myocardial infarction and
increased incidence of recurrent myocardial infarction from 21.5 cases
in 2002 to 24.7 cases per 100 thousand population in 2012. The Siberian
Federal District shows a similar trend. Analysis across the Siberian
Federal District regions registered the highest incidence of acute
myocardial infarction in the Kemerovo region (188.5 cases per 100
thousand population), and the highest incidence of recurrent acute
myocardial infarction - in the Omsk region (44.1 cases per 100 thousand
population). In 2002-2012, the incidence rates of both acute and
recurrent myocardial infarction in the Omsk region exceeded the general
Siberian Federal District rates and the national ones.
Scope of application. Results can be used to optimize
activities of medical institutions on long-term health follow-up of
patients with coronary atherosclerosis. Such optimization is only
possible on the basis of analysis of the current system and problems
Conclusions. Decreased incidence of acute myocardial
infarction and increased incidence of recurrent myocardial infarction in
2002-2012 resulted in a statistically significant increase in the share
of recurrent myocardial infarction in the structure of myocardial
infarction from 12.8% to 15.9% in the Russian Federation in general (p
<0.001), from 11.7% to 15.7% in the Siberian Federal District (p
<0.001 ) and from 13.3% to 19.3% in the Omsk region (p <0.001).
Since high incidence of myocardial infarction is caused by high
prevalence of risk factors and lack of adequate methods to monitor
effectiveness of the secondary cardiovascular prevention, implementation
of regional programs for long-term follow-up of patients with coronary
atherosclerosis against the background of optimum performance of primary
vascular centers, will reduce incidence of myocardial infarction due to
optimization of secondary cardiovascular prevention at the outpatient
Keywords: ischaemic heart disease; myocardial infarction; coronary atherosclerosis; disease incidence.
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