A.M. Vyazmin, A.G. Soloviev, E.A. Mordovsky
Northern State Medical University, Arkhangelsk
Background. Social and demographic characteristics of the
deceased persons may vary depending on the place of death since the
latter is determined by cultural traditions and relations between the
public and healthcare system, as well as willingness to seek medical
care in case of emergency.
The purpose of the study was to conduct a comprehensive
analysis of the social and demographic characteristics of the
prematurely deceased (aged 18-59 years) in Arkhangelsk (North-West of
Russia), depending on the place of death with adjustment for factor of
addictive alcoholic history.
Methods. Multinomial logistic regression analysis was used to
analyze data from all Medical death certificates, issued in Arkhangelsk
from 01.07.2011 to 30.06.2012.
Results. A large proportion of the prematurely deceased men
and women died "on the street" predominantly due to external causes.
Social characteristics of the deceased persons vary considerably
depending on the place of death, except for the factor of addictive
alcoholic history (in vivo clinically confirmed diagnosis related to the
group of "Mental and behavioral disorders due to use of alcohol»
Multinomial logistic regression analysis demonstrated that in the
group of the prematurely deceased persons in Arkhangelsk the probability
of “dying on the street” at working age is not associated with negative
characteristics of the social status. However, more negative
characteristics of the social status are associated with higher odds
ratio of dying "at home" than at a medical facility with adjustment for
the factor of death causes structure.
Conclusions. Burdened alcohol history was not associated with
the place of death of the deceased in Arkhangelsk. Characteristics of
the social group constituting a potential reserve for reducing mortality
in Arkhangelsk were identified: single unmarried people with low level
of education.
Scope of application. Characteristics of the social group constituting a potential reserve for reducing mortality in Arkhangelsk were identified.
Keywords: premature mortality, social and demographic status, place of death.
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