Dulina1 T.R., Velichkovskiy2 B.T., Kozlova3 O.A., Derstuganova4 T.M.
1Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry named after A.I. Evdokimov, 127473, Moscow, Russian Federation
2Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, 117997, Moscow, Russian Federation
3Institute of Economics, the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
4Ekaterinburg Medical Research Center for Prophylaxis and
Health Protection in Industrial Workers, 620014, Ekaterinburg, Russian
Contacts: Tamara Dulina,
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Abstract. Significance: In modern Russia social
inequality is one of the priority problems that requires solutions both
in terms of socio-economic development of the country, and improvement
of medical and demographic situation as well as maintenance of workforce
potential in the Russian Federation.
The purpose of the study was to analyze impact of social inequality on criminal situation and public health.
Materials and methods: social inequality is measured by
decile coefficient (DC) that shows how many times the minimum income of
10% of the most secured population exceeds the maximum income of 10% of
the least secured population. We investigated the DC influence on
criminal situation in the subjects of the Russian Federation for four
years (from 2008 to 2011.) and compared effects of the decile
coefficient’s value and purchasing power on the overall mortality and
mortality from external causes for 5 years (from 2007 to 2011.).
Results: The study shows that the higher the DC value
(that is the higher social inequality in the Russian regions), the
higher the number of people affected by criminal offense as well as the
number of murders and attempted murders.
Results of the DC impact study on the total mortality and mortality
from external causes in the Russian Federation were, at first glance,
discouraging: the less social inequality, the higher mortality rate.
This contradiction is based on the fact that social inequality is more
pronounced in richer regions (with higher purchasing power of the
population). Both poverty and social segregation within the society
always bring about negative consequences. In Russia, the decile
coefficient should be reduced to six by the legislation. It will improve
both the criminal situation in the country and public health, and
reduce the potential social base for color revolutions
Keywords: decile coefficient; purchasing power of
population; number of homicides; number of victims of criminal offense;
total mortality and mortality from external causes.
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