Svetlichnaya T.G., Smirnova E.A., Mordovsky E.A.
Northern State Medical University, Arkhangelsk
Contacts: Elena Smirnova,
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Abstract. The article describes demographic, social and
professional profile of mentally ill citizens. Vologda Region
Psychiatric Treatment Centre No.1” (Cherepovets) served as the study
The observation sample comprised 368 people including 38.4% inpatient
and 61.6% outpatient patients. Generally, this distribution corresponds
to the existing distribution of patients between the inpatient and
outpatient sectors of the regional psychiatric service. The control
group was represented by 399 mentally healthy people. A specially
developed statistical “Map to study social profile of the psychiatric
care consumers” served as a tool for conducting the research, and was
validated during the pilot study.
Results were entered into electronic database and statistically
processed using program package SPSS ver. 17 and WinPEPI (calculation of
95% confidence intervals (CI) by Fisher’s method). Pearson’s
chi-squared test was used to identify correlations between qualitative
variables. To define the constraint force, Cramer’s V was used.
The study shows that mental health of a person is affected by a whole
range of biological and social factors. However, only two
characteristics out of all studied have a statistically significant
correlation with mental health: status of the parental family and
genetic background. Thus, 40.2% of mentally ill people were raised up in
incomplete families (compared to 15% in the control group), 34.8% of
mentally ill people had complicated genetic background (compared to
10.3% in the control group).
Taking into account a negative impact on mental health by incomplete
parental family and complicated genetic background, children with
complicated family history, children from incomplete families, raised by
one parent or by other relatives as well as children deprived of
parental custody should be attributed to the risk groups for developing
mental disorders
The obtained information serves as a reliable source of relevant data
to identify risk groups of mental disorders, and design focused
measures to prevent their onset and development.
Key words: consumers of mental health services; profile characteristics; mental health
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