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Wednesday, 24 June 2015

Vyalkov A.I., Glukhova E.A., Martynchik S.A.
First Moscow State Medical University IM Sechenov, Moscow

Contacts: Svetlana Martynchik, This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

Abstract. The article substantiates the model to monitor development of personnel innovative competencies of the scientific medical organization aimed at effective utilization and optimization of staff performance in accordance with the organization's strategy for production of critically important technologies. The paper defines basic concepts that reflect contents of the competency approach, presents a holistic view on developing competency profiles, "clusters of competencies" and competency map. The authors also identified critically important technologies of the research organization within the medical scientific platforms "Preventive Environment" and "Information and Communication Technologies", which include the following: biomedical research in environmental epidemiology, systems of innovative screening and personalized medicine, as well as technical solutions in the field of scientometric research and rating of organizations.

The article developed an organizational chart for monitoring development of innovative competences of educational researchers, focused on production of critically important technologies and development of import substitution. A list of innovative competences of educational researchers was developed. The article also developed a system of indicators to evaluate quality and level of the developed competences and qualifications of educational researchers of the organization, and assessed contribution of the integral indicators in revenues and expenses of the organization from all extra-budgetary sources.

Proposals on staff development for research and development activities in the field of critically important technologies for creation and development of import substitution industries were developed. The suggestions include the following: definition of requirements for changes in the contents and training of educational researchers, development of the organization's database of best practices of innovative development of scientific staff of the organization, development of a useful model and computer program for monitoring status and dynamics of human resource development of the organization.

It is shown that introduction of the monitoring system of innovative competencies development results in new opportunities for objective evaluation of staffing and innovation management, systematization, management and generation of new biomedical knowledge and information technologies.

Keywords. Human resources; educational researchers; scientific medical organization; monitoring of innovative competencies; competence approach; critically important technologies; import substitution.



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