S.A. Bogachevskaia1, A.N. Bogachevskiy1, V.Yu. Bondar1,2
1Federal Centre for Cardiovascular Surgery, Khabarovsk
2Far Eastern State Medical University, Khabarovsk
Contacts: Svetlana A. Bogachevskaia,
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Abstract. Background. Growing prevalence of
congenital heart disorders in Russia substantiates the need to assess
current state and timeliness of surgical care to patients.
The purpose of the study was to analyze surgical
activity in case of congenital heart disorders in Russia and in the Far
Eastern Federal District over the last 10 years.
Methods and data. Using data on the number of patients
who underwent surgery in Russia and in the Far Eastern Federal District
we calculated surgical activity per 1 million population, implemented
comparative analysis of surgical activity and its growth rates within
the study period, and analyzed age structure of patients in 2004-2013.
The authors also estimated dynamics in using minimally invasive surgery
in the Far Eastern Federal District over the last 10 years.
Results and Discussion. In 2004-2013 another 12 clinics (87 in
total) started to perform surgical correction of congenital heart
disorders; in the Far Eastern Federal District only two hospitals have
been effectively functioning over the past years. The total number of
surgical interventions per 1 million population in Russia increased by
59.7 ± 0.05%, including bypass - by 34.9 ± 0.05%.
Surgical interventions in children under 1 year increased by 2.6
times (including bypass – by 2.5 times), while in children under 3 years
- by 1.9 times. In 2008-2013, the amount of surgical correction in
adults increased by 29.0%. The Far Eastern Federal District reported
increased total number of patients who underwent surgery by 2.3 times
(including bypass – by 2.0 times) per 1 million population, accounting
for 43.3% of the Russian average data, while surgical activity in
children under 3 years increased by 3.4 times (including bypass – by 3.3
times). Endovascular treatment methods over the past eight years have
been used 4.6 times more often (per 1 million population). Against the
background of growing operative activity (p <0.001) over the past
years The Far Eastern Federal District has been holding one of the end
positions among all Russian regions both in terms of total number of
surgery and number of endovascular procedures per 1 million population.
Conclusions. The trend towards increasing early surgery
(children under 1 year) indicates improved detection (which includes
improved perinatal diagnostics). However, late diagnostics of congenital
heart disorders remains a significant problem in Russia resulting in
relatively high level of surgical activity in adults.
The Far Eastern Federal District still maintains a relatively low
level of surgical activity in children 0-3 years, especially in infants.
Only two facilities for congenital heart disorders by 2013 are not
sufficient to meet needs of the Far Eastern Federal District.
Key words: congenital heart and vascular disorders; surgical activity; minimally invasive surgery; growth rate
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