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Tuesday, 01 November 2016

DOI: 10.21045/2071-5021-2016-51-5-6

Svalkovskiy A.V., Sannikov A.G.
Tyumen State Medical University, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Tyumen

Contacts: Alexander V. Svalkovskiy, e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

Abstract. Significance. In Russia, morbidity and incidence of mental disorders grows annually. At the same time the number of socially dangerous actions committed by the mentally sick increases as well. According to a number of authors, patients with organic brain lesion constitute the main part of offenders.

Purpose: to study and analyze socially dangerous actions committed by patients with organic brain lesion to further distinguish risk factors of delictual behavior.

Materials and methods: Conclusions of outpatient forensic-psychiatric commission of experts of the Tyumen region in "Conclusion of the forensic-psychiatric expert (the commission of experts)" Form No. 100/u-03 for 2005 - 2014 were taken as study material and grouped into annual databases of the "Forensic-psychiatric Examination" automated information system. Methods of descriptive and comparative statistics – Z-criterion, correlation analysis of K. Pearson, nonparametric criterion for evaluation of reliability of difference of Mann-Whitney were used for statistical verification of the data obtained.

Conclusions. Socially dangerous actions of patients with organic brain lesion have been studied. The study identified the following factors that affect socially dangerous actions: male gender, under 30 years, mental retardation. It is statistically proven that presence of the identified factors leads to commission of socially dangerous action of the Against Property group, most often such action falls under articles 158 and 161 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Analysis of the study data will allow for distinguishing risk factors to develop a system of primary prevention of socially dangerous actions. However, because of the age of offenders, this contingent of patients is most often out of sight of psychiatrists until they commit a socially dangerous action. This imposes certain difficulties in carrying out primary prevention in view of Art. 4 "Voluntary application for mental health services" of the Russian Law "On mental health services and guarantees of the rights of citizens at their rendering" as of 02.07.1992 N 3185-1 (revised 28.11.2015).

The authors believe that measures aimed at early detection of people with the identified risk factors can improve quality of primary prevention of socially dangerous actions.

Conclusions. Socially dangerous actions committed by patients with organic brain lesions have been studied. Male gender, diagnosis of mental retardation, and age under 30 as risk factors of socially dangerous actions are of particular interest for further study

Scope of application. The study materials can be used to explore risk factors enabling patients with organic brain lesion to commit a socially dangerous action.

Keywords: socially dangerous actions, risk factors, organic brain lesion, prevention.


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