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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹2 2018 (60) arrow MEDICAL AND SOCIAL PROBLEM OF RESPIRATORY ALLERGIC DISEASES IN A BIG CITY
Friday, 11 May 2018

DOI: 10.21045/2071-5021-2018-60-2-5

Ruselevich M. V.
Institute of advanced training, Federal Medial and Biological Agency, Moscow, Russia

Contacts: Ruselevich Maya, e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it
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Acknowledgments. The study was supported by the Russian Federal Medical and Biological Agency.
Conflict of interests. The authors declare no conflict of interest.


Significance. Respiratory allergic diseases have recently become not only a medical but also a social problem. On the one hand, there is a continuous trend towards disease aggravation in childhood, on the other hand – its prevalence is on the rise. Prevalence of allergic diseases of pollen etiology (bronchial asthma and rhino-conjunctival syndrome) is rather high adding up to 5.3‰ in the pediatric urban population. Recent disease incidence rates are registered at the level of 1.0‰. The maximum number of patients with such forms of pollen allergic diseases comprise children aged 8 and over. Improvements of care delivery technologies as well as organization of specialized care are actual objective of the pediatric healthcare.

Purpose: to analyze the issue of allergic diseases in children of a big city from the medical and social perspectives.

Methods included sociological, statistical, experimental observation, analytical and modelling. Estimation of statistical significance was conducted using correlation analysis.

Results. Prevalence of the pathologies estimates at 8.0 per 1000 children aged 8-14 inclusively. Three times lower is their prevalence in the age group of 4-7 years.

Children under three years are relatively seldom taken under the allergist’s follow-up for pollen allergic diseases.

Conclusions. 1. The suggested complex of rehabilitation measures for children with respiratory allergic diseases is especially effective to manage diseases of mild-to-moderate severity. Its effectiveness reaches up to 75% in treating rhino-conjunctival syndrome (pollen allergic disease) and 80% in treating bronchial asthma.

2. Compared to other interventions (for example, drug therapy) good and excellent results are achieved 1.5 times more often. It is especially important to provide the full rehabilitation complex to children with rhino-conjunctival syndrome.

3. In three quarters of the disabled children with bronchial asthma of pollen etiology (77.8%) who received adequate complex of medical and preventive treatment the disease severity decreased within three years, while every fifth of them (22.2%) did not confirm their disability status.

Keywords: allergic diseases; medical and social problem; prevalence; pediatric population.


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