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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹2 2011 (18) arrow Modern approaches to the techniques of integral assessment of health condition measures in workers of railway transport organizations affected by tuberculosis
Modern approaches to the techniques of integral assessment of health condition measures in workers of railway transport organizations affected by tuberculosis Print
Thursday, 02 June 2011

Titarenko L.V.
Regional Direction for the delivery of medical services in Moscow railway organizations, Moscow

The resume. Background: Tuberculosis still remains one of the critical global issues of the present world. Humanity accumulated a huge experience in struggling against tuberculosis, available and efficient treatments are ready at hand, nevertheless, annual incidence of 9 million cases and nearly 2 million deaths from it are still the case with the world at large. The burden of tuberculosis is associated not only with the charge on public health, but also with great losses in economics of many nations, as tuberculosis is apt to strike people with capacity to work. The WHO resolution considers tuberculosis as very important global problem of public health.

At present, the organization-based public health in Russia faces drastic structure transformation of the railway organization, complicated social economic conditions, reduced quotas of resources supply for organization’s establishments for treatment and prevention, aggravated health condition of registered railway workers. Such social economic environment makes it urgent and expedient to develop and introduce quite novel approaches to controlling establishments for treatment and prevention in general, and phthisiology institutions, in particular.

Main methodology motto for organization-based public health is still an epidemiologic approach. With this in store, measures of health conditions of workers of railway organization must be processed, and their final presentation in integral form should be elaborated inclusive of integral assessment measure of DALY indices.

These indices technique showed the economic losses from tuberculosis in Moscow and determined most significant expenses associated with tuberculosis situation that embrace direct expenditure on counter-tuberculosis actions and also social insurance (in connection with persistent and temporary loss of capacity to work).

This study produced total absolute value of DALY measures as 322.11 (morbidity with temporal disability as 117.06, untimely mortality as 205.05) and total sum of yearly losses for 2010 as 12.8 million rubles. Sum economic effect in consequence of reducing of morbidity with temporal disability for 2010 was 122.3 million rubles.

Modern techniques of integral assessment of measures of health condition and evaluation of labor losses in workers of railway organization enables more strict determination of their health condition with the purpose of its further correction.

Key words: approach, research techniques, integral assessment, tuberculosis, workers of railway organization, labor losses, economic losses.


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