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Main arrow Archive of previous Issues arrow ¹3 2011 (19) arrow Military medical expertise. monitoring of quality of medical care for military servicemen
Military medical expertise. monitoring of quality of medical care for military servicemen Print
Thursday, 29 September 2011

Summary. Background. In the past, the problem of monitoring of quality of medical care for military servicemen was tackled with by many native researchers and also by organs for managing of public health. But for a long time only extensive measures for the problem of quality of medical care were being implemented, mainly on the way of expanding the number of medical staff, quantity and seize of medical establishments.

Certain attempts of slightly more successful controlling quality of medical care were made on the way of exclusive use of economic techniques, namely through internal re-distribution of budget resources between various METPs (medical establishment for treatment and prevention).

Scientific arrangement of labor process, as well as centralization of auxiliary  services, then elaboration of official directions, disposition for  operator’s position, advanced management of registry and circulation of documentation have been also scrupulously involved in this respect. 

Improved approaches to evaluation and investigation into operation of METP were also supposed to ameliorate quality of medical care. Special forms and questionnaires had been designed along incredible number of items for investigating into therapeutic and diagnostic measures in METPs.

The drawback of the last approach was little likelihood of controlling quality of medical care to the benefit of every single patient.

Statistical, expertise-based, comprehensive (systemic) techniques for the evaluation of the process of controlling quality of medical care were implemented.

Certain authors had examined in detail various techniques of assessment of diagnostic mistakes, and compared these various techniques for the evaluation of their real importance in improving quality of diagnosis-making. They proposed a unification of statistical and expertise-based methods.

Comprehensive approach to the assessment of labor expenditure of medical staff had been implemented in many METPs. Scale technique has been one of the most popular to this end. Each criterion of labor expenditure was to receive certain score according to its importance and extent of expression.

The criteria usually included statistical indicators, as well as expertise-based ones. Later on, the medical standards were elaborated.

Recently, the survey for the extent of satisfaction of patients with quality of medical care received has been becoming more and more widespread. Such a survey has been usually performed implementing various  questionnaires, each one designed in accordance with the concrete kind of medical care.

It is a general knowledge that just such surveys significantly urged improvement of quality of medical care.

Military medical expertise has been playing a special role in controlling quality of medical care. Originally, it had been designed as a tool for identification of category of suitability of a person (a citizen of RF) for military service on health condition grounds and a procedure to establish casual relationship with military service fulfilled of acquired injury, mutilation, trauma, contusion, and diseases. 

Nowadays, this expertise expanded its function including certain control for quality of medical care.

Prospective studies are to assess the role of military medical expertise in evaluation of quality of medical care provided to military servicemen under present conditions.

Key words: expertise, military medical, control, quality, military servicemen, medical care. 


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