Summary. It is strongly needed that
Federal centers of medical high technologies in the Russian Federation
should undergo certain improvements. This study depicted how high-tech
medical services are provided to the population in the Russian
Federation nowadays, and also elucidated some difficulties of this
system’s operation, It specially outlined peculiar functioning of the
Federal Center of high-tech medical care (HTMC)
National Priority Project “Health” envisaged certain endpoints of
state policies for safeguarding health of citizens of the Russian
Federation. Among them was expanded availability of expensive high-tech
medical care paralleled by elevated scale and volume of its providing to
the population. These developments are to be supported by federal
funding for the improvement of the course of its providing, by transfer
of federal medical establishments to operation activities along the
state tasks, by constructing of new Federal Centers of HTMC.
Following the Decree No. 139 of the RF Government, active
construction of such new centers in several Regions and Districts has
been launched, and it embraced cardio-vascular surgery, casualty surgery
and orthopedics, endo-prostheses arrangement and neurosurgery.
Currently, high-tech centers for cardio-vascular surgery operate in
Penza, Astrakhan, Khabarovsk, Chelyabinsk, for casualty surgery and
orthopedics – in Cheboxary, for neurosurgery- in Tyumeny.
Comprehensive social hygienic analysis scientifically substantiated
propositions for improving operation and developing foundations of these
novel federal centers of high medical technologies.
Key words. Medical high-tech healthcare, federal centers,medical high technologies.
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