Summary. With the goal of description of
methodological approaches used in studies of satisfaction of consumers
of medical services in our country and abroad, we have made a
comparative analysis of scientific studies on the topic. The content of
the theoretical-conceptual approaches to studying patients’ satisfaction
with medical service worked out by western sociology of medicine has
been considered.
There have been analyzed the data of mass sociological interviews of
population conducted according to national sample captures in Russia in
the last decade. The latter indicated the low level of satisfaction of
the Russian population with out-patient (50.9%) and in-patient (57.7% -
70.3%) service.
The analysis of the results of theoretical and empirical studies on
this topic has allowed to detect a number of conceptual problems
complicating determination and systematization of quantitative and
qualitative indices of satisfaction, their combinations and
interrelations, what resulted in separation of an unreasonably big
number of sociological research trends. In particular, it has been
detected that researchers did not have a united opinion concerning the
term satisfaction of consumers with quality of medical services and
factors identifying it. The least studied is the effect of provider’s
characteristics on the volume and types of consumed medical services, as
well as the effects reached owing to the population visits to the
system of healthcare. Special scientific attention is demanded by
further conceptualization of the problem of interrelation of patients
and providers of medical services. Poorly known are issues concerning
the effect of the change of organizational structures and financial
mechanisms in healthcare on behavior of consumers of medical services,
their interrelation with the system of healthcare and the social and
medical effects received as a result of such interrelations.
Key words. Satisfaction with medical
services; quality of medical assistance; social assessments of consumers
of medical services; organization of medical assistance; technical and
functional aspects of quality of medical assistance.
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